Most python byte clas related news are at: – Python bytes

Python 3.3 is my Favorite Python Release 30 Sep 2012 | 04:39 am

Today, Python 3.3 was released. During the 4.5 years I've been a CPython core developer, 6 major Python releases (2.6, 2.7, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3) have past by me. In this post, I will explain why 3....

13 May 2012 | 10:56 am

The Architecture of Open Source Applications volume 2 has been published. It includes my chapter on PyPy. You can buy the dead tree version for $35 on Lulu where all the proceeds go to Amnesty Interna...

More python byte clas related news:

Configurability tweaks for SysLogHandler and Formatter 10 Jun 2011 | 09:38 am

There have been some recent changes to SysLogHandler and Formatter which will appear in Python releases. SysLogHandler currently appends a NUL byte to messages it sends to syslog daemons. This is bec...

MemoryMapFile Convenience Class for Python 6 Sep 2011 | 05:54 pm

My obsession with mmap hasn’t died, but while Python’s mmap module is a wonderful low level library it’s a bit hard for a newcomer to use properly. I’ve started toying with a convenience wrapper clas...

Python strings and bytes 1 Apr 2009 | 02:04 pm

At the PyCon sprints, we looked into a lot of bugs in the standard library caused by interactions between strings and bytes.  (A string holds a sequence of characters.  A bytes object holds a sequence...

Jython dev notes part II - Adding a New Builtin Type 14 Feb 2012 | 07:27 am

Releases of Python (and so releases of Jython) sometimes add new built-in types. In 2.6, a new such buitin is the "bytes" type. In the 2.x series, "bytes" is just a synonym for "str". In 3.x "bytes" i...

Converting bytes to str in Python 3.0 via Functions 26 Feb 2009 | 06:53 pm

Last week, we looked at how to convert between strings of the str data type and strings of the bytes data type using methods in the string class ... Read Full Post

Converting str to bytes in Python 3.0 via Methods 20 Feb 2009 | 04:24 am

Given the significant difference between text and data in Python 3.0, you will not go far in programming against the 3.0 standard without being able to convert between them. ... Read Full Post

List of free programming books 3 Aug 2009 | 07:58 pm

See Other here Languages Python Dive Into Python How to Think Like a Computer Scientist A Byte of Python Python for Fun Ruby Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby Programming Ruby – The Pragmatic Pr...

List of free programming books 3 Aug 2009 | 03:58 pm

See Other here Languages Python Dive Into Python How to Think Like a Computer Scientist A Byte of Python Python for Fun Ruby Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby Programming Ruby – The Pragmatic Programmer’...

Clair — Rider! 27 Aug 2013 | 06:57 pm

File: Cla-ir-Waspie-Ride.wmv Size: 42143776 bytes (40,19 MiB), duration: 00:04:59, avg.bitrate: 1128 kb/s Audio: wmav2, 44100 Hz, stereo, 96 kb/s Video: wmv3, yuv420p, 768×576, 1000 kb/s, 25,00 fps...

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