Most python handbrake windows related news are at:

3 gotchas I discovered calling Postgres (esp. from C#). 28 Mar 2013 | 08:54 pm
I’ve always been interested in Postgres – it never seemed to be quite as crazy as MySql, and since I’ve used Access (LoLWUT?), Ingres (party like it’s 1989), DB2 (meh), Oracle (and the difference betw...
DDD Brisbane 2012–Single Page Web Applications talk on Vimeo 7 Feb 2013 | 03:57 pm
I recorded a version of the ‘Single Page Web Applications’ talk I did for DDD Brisbane 2012 and put it up on Vimeo. I know the audio is not fantastic, but I don’t have a very nice speaking voice anywa...
More python handbrake windows related news:
PYLA (Hylafax client) Kurulumu 14 Jan 2010 | 09:13 pm
1. Adım python for Windows versiyonunu indirip kuruyoruz. ( 2. Adım Redmon port monitor indirip kuruyoruz. ( 3. Adım pyla’yı indirip kuru...
[HOWTO] Install easy_install and pip in Python 3 (Windows) 27 Sep 2011 | 04:16 pm
I am just starting with Python 3 on Windows and I wanted to install easy_install and/or pip for installing other available packages easily. However, I found that setuptools setup for Python 3.3.2 (the...
Python on Windows Azure 簡報公開 14 Jun 2012 | 03:05 am
上週受到 PyCon Taiwan 2012 的邀請講了一場 Python on Windows Azure,這是我的投影片: Building Python Applications on Windows Azure View more presentations from Lin-Chieh Shangkuan. 如果你在註冊 Windows Azure 時在某個步驟 (填寫信用卡資料)...
Installare cx_Oracle (per Python) su Windows 20 May 2013 | 08:45 am
Premetto subito che questo articolo è ad alto contenuto informatico e di utilità pressoché personale (e forse di uno sparuto gruppo di smanettoni) perché raccoglie alcuni appunti che mi potrebbero ser...
Installare cx_Oracle (per Python) su Windows 20 May 2013 | 08:45 am
Premetto subito che questo articolo è ad alto contenuto informatico e di utilità pressoché personale (e forse di uno sparuto gruppo di smanettoni) perché raccoglie alcuni appunti che mi potrebbero ser...
OFFERTA DI LAVORO 17 Mar 2012 | 12:18 am
CERCHIAMO ANALISTA PROGRAMMATORE (anche a partita IVA) E' richiesta consolidata esperienza nella programmazione in generale e una buona conoscenza di: Programmazione Python ambiente Windows e/o ...
Xenotix Python Keylogger For Windows 1 May 2013 | 09:30 am
Xenotix Python Keylogger for Windows Xenotix Python Keylogger is a Keylogger written in Python for Windows Environment. FEATURES 1. STORE LOGS LOCALLY 2. SEND LOGS TO GOOGLE FORMS 3. SEND LOGS...
PyInstaller: Package Python Applications (Windows, Mac and Linux) 3 Jul 2013 | 04:37 pm
PyInstaller is a program used to convert Python scripts into standalone applications. PyInstaller allows you to run applications written in Python on a computer without requiring the user to install P...
Virus 'Python' Serang Mac dan Windows 29 Apr 2012 | 09:14 pm | Jakarta - Baru saja pengguna Mac dihebohkan dengan munculnya virus Flashback, kini ada lagi program jahat yang juga dirancang untuk menyerang Windows. Menurut pelesuran vendor keam...
Geany Is Lightweight IDE With Built-in Compiler, Now For Windows 20 Feb 2012 | 07:20 pm
Geany, being a lightweight text editor, certainly ... Geany Is Lightweight IDE With Built-in Compiler, Now ... language code of Java, C, PHP, HTML, Python, Pascal, …