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chwock-a-lit 14 Dec 2010 | 07:25 am
The following facebook status of mine, from November 27, though spoken by my 3 year old daughter, pretty much sums up my own sentiment regarding chocolate… As she’s sipping her warm cocoa, Savi quips...
Fitness Adventure Spotlight: 7 Surprising Health Benefits of Kayaking 6 May 2013 | 10:06 pm
No secret here: I get bored easily. I am tired of the same old workouts. There are thousands of programs all over the internet with lots of quick little workouts you can find on Facebook status update...
Update Facebook Status Via iPhone 5 17 May 2013 | 05:53 pm
Now you can use the latest iPhone 5 for your facebook status without having it....Enjoy it. :) (THIS IS OLD REVIEW)iPhone 5 is the most costly product from apple after iPads.Every person has a desire...
New Facebook features 15 Sep 2011 | 01:57 am
Pond has a couple new Facebook features. The first you probably used already, if you do a status update including a URL Pond will automatically share the link instead of plain old booring update. You'...
This is why you don't get tattoos... 6 Sep 2009 | 02:18 pm
I have a lot of old high school friends added on facebook, but I don't usually go to their pages. One friend mentioned in her status that she got a new tattoo and out of curiosity I wanted to see what...
Old Man Taking Dump 2 Mar 2011 | 11:29 am
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Best in Blogs: World's Oldest Facebook User (Sort of), Burning Man Online, and Obama Goes AMA on Reddit 31 Aug 2012 | 10:32 pm
Conan O'Brien had the funniest wisecrack this week about 101-year-old Florence Detlor, who was introduced to the world as the oldest person to be using Facebook. Conan: "She said 'I'd like to waste wh...
Facebook Acquires Mobile Technologies, Developer of Jibbigo 13 Aug 2013 | 07:21 pm
Facebook announced in a status update that it has acquired Mobile Technologies, a 12-year old speech recognition and machine translation start-up that developed the app Jibbigo. The terms of the deal,...
Is it just me? 19 Aug 2013 | 05:39 pm
Every day I get home from work, put Facebook on and see the same old gullible people every day who "like and share" a photo/status to get a FREE item e.g. tesco voucher or electrical goods. Now, 99% ...