Most round shaped plated pot cover related news are at:

Proctor Silex 33040 4-Quart Round Slow Cooker 12 May 2011 | 12:27 am
Proctor Silex 33040 4-Quart Round Slow Cooker is simply amazing. Round, pure white, and cleanly devoid of decoration, this four-quart slow cooker appeals to those who like unfussy kitchen appliances. ...
Maxi-Matic MST-450X Elite Gourmet 3-1/2-Quart Slow Cooker 12 May 2011 | 12:20 am
Maxi-Matic MST-450X Elite Gourmet 3-1/2-Quart Slow Cooker is simply amazing. Elite by Maxi-Matic’s 3.5-quart stainless steel slow cooker is great for cooking soups, stews, or any of your favorite meal...