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Tagesgeld Zinssenkungen im August 2013 22 Aug 2013 | 03:38 pm

Auch im August 2013 gab es aufgrund des niedrigen EZB-Leitzinssatzes wieder einige Zinssenkungen im Tagesgeld-Bereich. Die einzige gute Nachricht hierbei ist, dass die Zinssenkungen inzwischen nur noc...

Deniz-Bank Tagesgeld 2 Aug 2013 | 12:48 am

Die DenizBank ist ursprünglich, wie der Name es vermuten lässt, eine türkische Bank, welche 1938 in Istanbul gegründet wurde. Sie ist inzwischen eine 99,85%ige Tochter der russischen Sberbank, dem grö...

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Moody's verlaagt kredietwaardigheid 12 Britse banken 7 Oct 2011 | 09:30 pm

Kredietbeoordelaar Moody's heeft de beoordeling van 12 Britse banken verlaagd. Dat werd vandaag bekendgemaakt. Onder de banken bevinden zich Royal Bank of Scotland en Lloyds TSB. De verlagingen zijn v...

Великобритания планирует продать Абу-Даби часть акций RBS 19 Apr 2012 | 04:04 am

Британским правительством начаты переговоры с редставителями столицы ОАЭ Абу-Даби по поводу реализации определённого пакета акций Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS). Арабские инвесторы планируют приобрести ... 14 Jan 2012 | 02:13 am

RBS cuts 3,500 investment banking jobsT) A branch of the Royal Bank of Scotland is pictured in London, on August 5, 2011. STORY HIGHLIGHTS Royal Bank of Scotland is to cut an additional 3,500 jobs ...

Royal Bank of Scotland leads London banks lower 10 May 2011 | 05:24 am

European equities markets were lower Monday as banks declined after Standard & Poor’s cut Greece’s credit rating, renewing concerns about debt problems in parts of the region. S&P cut Greece’s credit ...

Royal Bank of Scotland leads banks, FTSE 100 higher in London 7 May 2011 | 05:12 am

Most European equities markets made gains Friday after the US Labor Department reported that the economy there added more jobs than expected last month, with 244,000 non-farm jobs added against an exp...

Billy Bragg vs the bankers 28 Jan 2010 | 06:13 am

Over in Britain, the general public is as outraged as we are here about bailed-out bankers receiving huge bonuses. RSB (Royal Bank of Scotland) is now owned, in large part, by the government and the t...

Vince shows Labour how to deal with Bankers’ Bonuses 24 Jan 2012 | 10:35 am

Yesterday, Ed Miliband said the chief executive of Royal Bank of Scotland, Stephen Hester should not receive a bonus this year. If Labour wanted control of executive pay of state owned banks, then th...

Lecciones básicas de la crísis y el vino 11 Oct 2011 | 12:15 am

Si en enero de 2007 hubieses invertido 1.000 euros en acciones del Royal Bank of Scotland, una de las mayores entidades del Reino Unido, hoy tendrías 29 euros. Si en enero de 2007 hubieses invertido ...

Run nearly broke Royal Bank of Scotland 5 Oct 2009 | 10:12 pm

(Times) A SECRET run on Royal Bank of Scotland almost forced the bank into collapse on each of the last four trading days before it was bailed out by the government last October.

Does Fred Goodman deserve a £650,000 a year pension? 2 Mar 2009 | 03:46 pm

Maybe, had Sir Fred Goodman retired two years ago when the price of Royal Bank of Scotland share was 705p and RBS was worth £65 billion, then a £650,00 year pension might have be understandable. At th...

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