Most ruby include module related news are at:

Including a module in Ruby 18 Nov 2007 | 03:57 pm
If we define two modules, with methods that have the same names and then include them in a class in a specific order method from the last included module will be used. So it looks like the methods ...
Solution to Code Kata Fifteen 6 Nov 2007 | 06:46 am
Just felt like doing some programming exercise. My bookmarks led me to the code kata 15. First, the problem: Think of binary numbers: sequences of 0′s and 1′s. How many n-digit binary numbers are the...
More ruby include module related news:
关于zencart前台如何判断手机浏览器自动切换模板的思路 19 Jan 2012 | 09:34 pm
zencart不支持同一语言下的多模板前台切换,如何想根据不同的浏览器或不同的需要在前台切换模板,就比较为难,查到不官方资料. 我自己找了一下zencart的模板数据库中模板路径字段是 template_dir,找到引用这个字段的代码分别在 /includes/init_includes/init_templates.php /includes/modules/payment/paypal/...
SSI (server-side include) on Debian 3 May 2012 | 06:13 pm
Some little notes on SSI over Debian: 1. I should enable include module for Debian: # e2enmod include 2. I should add these directives into Apache configuration # Options +Includes # AddType text/html...
Serotonion plays a part in numerous functions in the human body including modulation of appetite, sleep, mood and emotion (Schloss & Williams 1998). It also plays a role in memory and learning (Sarkis...
Including a module in Ruby 18 Nov 2007 | 03:57 pm
If we define two modules, with methods that have the same names and then include them in a class in a specific order method from the last included module will be used. So it looks like the methods ...
Diablo 3 va fi lansat in curand 13 Mar 2012 | 03:24 am
Odata cu anuntul ca la lansare Diablo 3 nu va include modul PvP, Jay Wilson a... Intregul articol poate fi gasit pe blog, vizitati
Niche Blueprint Review – modules 6 and 7 Nicheblueprints week 5 9 Jan 2009 | 09:45 am
Update Read about the all new Niche Blueprint 2.0 overview Week 5 – Module 6 (part 2) Week five of the Niche Blueprint E-Commerce Training course includes module six (part 2) and module 7. Part one ...
ZenCart 首页随机显示改为固定显示产品 5 Jun 2012 | 02:24 pm
zen cart新进商品的随机排序修改方法第一步:首先,新进商品可以自己定义时间段: 商店设置-最大值-新进商品的定义 zen cart新进商品的随机排序修改方法第二步: 修改首页上新进商品: /includes/modules/new_products.php 在$new_products_query里增加相应ORDER BY xxx 例:select distinct p.produ...
zencart程序技巧–防止产品列表页面TITLE重复 5 Jun 2012 | 02:18 pm
复制 \includes\modules\meta_tags.php 到 \includes\modules\[your_template]\meta_tags.php 然后再修改 找到 // EZ-Pages: case ‘page’: 在前面加上: case ‘products_all’: case ‘products_new’: case ‘featured_product...
Modular Kitchen Manufacturer and Suppliers 1 Aug 2012 | 08:34 pm
Carve Arts We are the best furniture manufacturers from Coimbatore.we supply all types of furniture Modular Kitchen: Leading Supplier and Manufacturer from Coimbatore, our product range includes Modul...
Making sure you are not creating unwanted actions by including Modules 21 Sep 2012 | 03:30 am
This will blow up if someone includes a module with public methods that would count as actions. # application_controller_test.rb class ApplicationControllerTest