Most runic games fansite related news are at:

New File Added: Torchlight 2 MOBA mod 26 Aug 2013 | 03:33 pm
Downloads: A new file has been added by qip9: Torchlight 2 MOBA mod Torchlight 2 MOBA *pre ALPHA version GUYS THE NEW 1V1 PVP BETA MAP HERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * *still very unbalanced and has iss...
New File Added: Vanquisher Custom Sounds - Lilith 25 Aug 2013 | 05:51 am
Downloads: A new file has been added by GreatCleto: Vanquisher Custom Sounds - Lilith Well, let's say you have installed the mod "Attack and GetHit Sounds" and didn't like the Vanquisher original so...
More runic games fansite related news:
Torchlight II announced 6 Aug 2010 | 02:27 am
Torchlight II After a week of speculation and playing the guessing game, Runic Games have finally revealed their secret and announced that Torchlight will be getting a sequel that is set to hit the s...
The hunger games #3 movie clip – she came with me (2012) hd movie 24 Mar 2012 | 12:41 am
The Hunger Games #3 Movie CLIP – She Came With Me (2012) HD Movie Visit The Hunger Games Fansite CHANNEL!: SUBSCRIBE to The Hunger Games Fansite: Every year in the ruins of what was once...
Torchlight II Opening Cinematic Revealed 26 Apr 2012 | 06:48 am
No, sorry, runic games did not announce a launch date for Torchlight II, but the studio did release the opening cinematic for its upcoming action-RPG. The video embedded below was a group effort betwe...
Torchlight 2 Delayed to 2012 for Further Polishment 19 Nov 2011 | 12:43 am
Torchlight 2 won’t release this year, according to Runic Games president Travis Baldree. Read more
[News] Les précommandes via Perfect World donneront accès à Nerverwinter 28 Apr 2012 | 02:40 am
Runic Games et Perfect World se sont associés pour cette phase de précommande en vous permettant d'avoir accès à la beta de Neverwinter. Mais pour ça, il faudra précommander via Perfect World. Passer ...
[Vidéo] Torchlight II : cinématique "New Heroes Will Arise" 21 Apr 2012 | 07:38 am
Un regain d'activité côté news sur Torchlight II? Il semblerait! Runic Games était présent à la PAX, et en a profité pour discuter et montrer un peu Torchlight II. Après un premier article sur la PAX ...
10 - - Germany 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
This is a german Hunger Games fansite with a lot of information and news about the books and the movies!
[News] Annonce de la sortie de TII à la PAX Prime 27 Aug 2012 | 01:17 pm
Le 31 Août prochain, Runic Games annoncera la date officielle de la sortie de Torchlight II lors de la PAX Prime. Celle-ci se déroulera du 31 Août au 2 Septembre à Seattle. Autant dire que l'annonce f...
[News] Torchlight II, sortie le 20 septembre 2012 31 Aug 2012 | 05:50 pm
C'est sans plus de cérémonie que Travis Baldree, Président de Runic games, a annoncé aujourd'hui la date officielle de sortie de Torchlight II le 20 Septembre 2012, à l'occasion de la PAX Prime à Seat...
Let’s Play Torchlight! EP 003 12 Sep 2012 | 02:54 am
Let's Play Torchlight! EP 003 Behold Torchlight, a fresh new Action RPG franchise developed by Runic Games. Torchlight is being developed in Seat...