Most savana skopje related news are at:
Вест од 25/04/2013 25 Apr 2013 | 05:00 am
На меѓународниот саем за туризам, "SKOPJE TRAVEL MARKET", на 26.Април, во 13.00 ч, во Галеријата на Хала 1, новоформираниот "IATA ATC - Travel Training Center" во Скопје, ќе одржи презентација, на про...
Вест од 15/04/2013 15 Apr 2013 | 05:00 am
На престојниот меѓународен саем за туризам - SKOPJE TRAVEL MARKET, туристичката фирма SAVANA ќе се претстави со сите свои веќе познати брендови. Доколку сте заинтересирани за нашите понуди, Ве поканув...
More savana skopje related news:
Both Skopje and Remixed 11 May 2012 | 09:02 am
Растена сум со приказни за старо Скопје, за земјотресот и поплавата, за двоспратните автобуси по Камени мост, градската плажа и дрвеното мовче. Не сум го видела тоа Скопје, но чувствувам дека го знам,...
» Október 22 és 30 között Macedónia fővárosában, Skopje-ben rendezik a WAKO Light-contact, Kick-light, K-1 és Low-kick Világbajnokságát, amelyen természetesen a magyar felnőtt válogatott is részt ves...
2013 GMC Savana Line-up 28 May 2012 | 04:00 pm
Here's a breakdown of the new GMC van models in Brunswick, Georgia, available from Nalley Buick GMC: The 2013 GMC Savana receives minor trim changes, as well as new features including rear vision ca...
تکمیل ناوگان هواپیمایی باشگاه هوانوردی کرمان 13 Mar 2012 | 04:37 am
یک فروند هواپیما Savana XL به ناوگان شرکت هوانوردی افشید کارمانیا اضافه گردید.
Macedonia Travel Guide 23 Dec 2011 | 02:32 am
(Travel guide) -Macedonia is a mountainous land in the heart of the Balkans, sprinkled with beautiful valleys and lakes. It has a rich Hellenic heritage. The capital, Skopje, has many delights, inclu...
as 2009 is passing by... 1 Jan 2010 | 09:27 am
Hello there world! Few hours left from 2009.. It has been a turbulent year definitely! Important changes in my life that brought me back to Skopje! :) I feel truly happy that I am back home cause I c...
Meeting at the "G spot" :D 1 Mar 2009 | 12:01 pm
Hey what's up world? :) Well, I haven't posted in some time now, but it was really intense and exciting past period.. I feel so excited to go to Skopje and spend almost a month in Macedonia with my d...
Vardar Cigarettes Sold in the US, 1960's 7 Nov 2011 | 06:12 am
A box of cigarettes "Vardar" from a company in Skopje, Macedonia exported for sale in the United States during 1960's
Slavic Philhellenic Network 25 Nov 2008 | 12:51 am
As our friend from Skopje, Vasko informed us, it has been established in Skopje the “Slavic Philhellenic Network”. The registration in court was done yesterday. The aims of the operation “Vardar-Axios...
Meeting of the Balkans students 26 Apr 2011 | 06:16 am
Last weekend, the city of Skopje hosted a daring meeting which included students from different universities from around the Balkans. Responding to the call of “Sloboden Indeks” (hosts of this meeting...