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5 Domain Unlimited Hosting $7.99/Year, Unlimited Domains $25.99/Year 23 Apr 2011 | 06:11 am

Hosting Includes 99.9% Uptime, RV Site Builder, Fantastico Deluxe Scripts, Softaculous Auto Script Installer, Ruby On Rails, Ruby Gems, Virus Scanner, WHM cPanel w/ZamFoo 7.1, CGI, Perl, PHP 5, cURL &...

Script content spinning en php 1 Jul 2011 | 06:50 pm

Hello, voici un script en php de content spinning écrit en php… function spinnage($text){ if(!preg_match(‘/{/si’, $text)) { return $text; } else { preg_match_all(‘/\{([^{}]*)\}/si’, $text, $matc...

Twitter auto follow script 17 Aug 2011 | 09:13 am

<?php // Twitter Auto-follow Script by Dave Stevens - $user = ""; $pass = ""; $term = ""; $userApiUrl = ""; $ch = curl_init($userApiUrl... PHP script is software that individuals who customized site can work out in getting of research website 6 Jun 2012 | 12:09 am

We see company house glass ms windows on our pcs and do the job quickly using them simply like we do with Firefoxs XSLT. There is a outstanding a lot of scripting on our content that ha...

Membuat Auto Content TV Show menggunakan JSON API Request 12 Jul 2013 | 09:04 pm

Terinspirasi dengan postingan mas Charlie tentang membuat Movie site dengan Json API request yang merupakan cikal bakal saya kepengen belajat PHP, membuat saya pengen juga bikin tutorial juga tapi buk...

Zend Studio 8.0 加快代码提示速度、创建文件默认格式为 UTF-8、改变代码字体大小 12 Jul 2013 | 02:07 pm

1、设置加快代码提示速度:Window -> Preferences -> PHP -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Auto Activation 设置数字越小,代码提示速度越快。 2、创建文件默认格式为 UTF-8:Window -> Preferences -> General -> Workspace -> Text file encoding 取消默认,...

Affiliate Cloaking Script With Auto Prefix/Suffix 24 Dec 2012 | 02:38 pm

Hi I need someone to create a small script (java / php) with following : 1. Suppose someone add a link on my blog/forum like 2. I want the link to be converted to [B]myaffiliatelinkpref...

Cockpit - PHP | Editors (Content / Media / Others) 29 Jul 2013 | 01:41 pm

Add content management functionality to any site. Content management, easy and flexible. Add content management functionality to any site by just including the cockpit api in your script. Cockpit p...

Unique Content Generator 7 Jul 2009 | 11:54 pm

Wir haben eine neuen Punkt integriert. Ab sofort finden Sie unter PHP-Scripte kleine hilfreiche Programme zum kostenlosen Download.

Pola Pikir Google untuk Melawan Situs/Blog AGC (Auto Generated Content) 6 Apr 2011 | 06:02 pm

Mungkin saya tidak bisa menciptakan apa itu script atau algoritma program, tetapi dosen saya pernah mengajarkan "kalo buat program yang penting pola pikirnya dulu". Kita umpamakan program = mie siap ...

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