Most self harm euphoria related news are at:

Seeking Participants for Self-Injury Discussion Forum Research! 16 Aug 2013 | 08:17 am
I am a psychology student at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, and I am conducting research into self-injury discussion forums and their benefits and/or limitations. If you are over eighteen ...
Calling all individuals aged 18 to 25 (inclusive)... 29 Jul 2013 | 12:04 pm
If you are aged between 18 and 25 (inclusive) and living in Australia, you are invited to participate in a study exploring factors related to both the absence and presence of self-injury... Participa...
More self harm euphoria related news:
ChildLine supports ‘Self-harm awareness day’ 2 Mar 2012 | 05:46 am
Play your part and win a new badge!
When Activism Becomes Self Harm 2 Nov 2010 | 04:04 pm
It’s difficult to write this. Many of us push ourselves. Hard. The things we fight for are precious and denied us so easily, so effortlessly. The pain and suffering we face is awful. Oppression is no...
Guest Blogger Imogen Reed~ Introduction to Therapeutic Communities 17 Apr 2012 | 08:41 pm
A Therapeutic Community is a facility where a group-therapy model is used to treat personality disorder, drug addiction, compulsive self-harm, anxiety, eating disorders and various other disordered be...
Narconon Trois-Rivieres True Result 12 Apr 2012 | 06:05 pm
Recent publicity on CTV about Narconon Trois-Rivieres and it’s treatment of Daniel Keller prompts Narconon Secrets to write about the case of Daniel Keller, in the context of self harming behavior and...
LinkedIn Publishes Reputation Damaging, Self Harming Advertisement 12 Aug 2011 | 10:07 pm
Take a look at the Linkedin advertisement below. What you will see is linkedin publishing derogatory statements about its latest privacy policy changes. Astonishing don't you think! Here is the Yahoo...
A personal tale of overindulgence and a recipe for Totally Loaded Oatmeal Raisin Cookies 3 Apr 2012 | 02:10 am
[Trigger warning: depression, thoughts of self-harm, and intimacy are brought up briefly in this post. You wouldn't expect it in a post about cookies, but there it is. Wanted to bring it up for indivi...
Self-Injury Awareness Day!! 2 Mar 2012 | 03:00 pm
It is funny that I am excited to be able to write this post as self-injury, self-harm, self-injury; whatever, you name it is one of the most misunderstood behaviors associated with mental... [Summary...
Ban sick websites that drove our girl to despair 14 Jun 2012 | 05:52 pm
Distraught parents tell how stressed 15-year-old died in front of a train after being lured into an online world of self-harm and suicide A distraught couple are calling for a ban on anorexia and suic...
Kate Upton Is Well-Marbled 11 Jun 2012 | 10:25 am
[UPDATE: Please read this important statement about my views on self-harm.] Did you know that humans are 80% genetically identical to cows? Well, allow me to prove it to you… Guess who?! Yes, it’s t...
A Lesson in Self-Harm 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Steve Grant is joined by podcast newbie Kenny Gibson to discuss the eventful start to the season