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Quest to own Colin Laird on Google 6 Mar 2011 | 12:53 am

Tweet Open Letter to all Colin Lairds of the World. Hey Colin Laird, Nice name – I hope that it has served you well.  Just to let you know, from this day forward, I hereby vow to own my (your name)...

IEC e-tech March 2012 14 Mar 2012 | 10:30 pm

Sensors and safety

FDA sends letters to 5 genetic testing companies 12 Jun 2010 | 09:58 am

It appears that the FDA sent letters to several different direct to consumer genetic testing companies. They are 23andme, Navigenics, DeCode, Illumina, and Knome, which provides whole genome sequencin...

The mystery of the other “s” [6] 20 Oct 2010 | 06:34 pm

I cannot recall how many times I have seen German manuals in Japan using a β (beta) instead of the proper letter. Maybe the designer didn’t know or didn’t have a Mac (there you can get the ß even with...

Kodak Easy share C183 Review 3 Dec 2010 | 08:54 pm

The Kodak Easyshare C183 digital camera is designed to be a point to shoot camera. It is a very effective and strong camera with effectiveness resolution of 14 megapixels. Its CCD sensor is as strong ...

#SpeakZA: In protest against the ANC Youth League 24 Mar 2010 | 05:50 pm

Last week, shocking revelations concerning the activities of the ANC Youth League spokesperson Nyiko Floyd Shivambu came to the fore. According to a letter published in various news outlets, a complai...

Hack the Fitbit 29 Apr 2012 | 03:06 am

Like many people who are trying to become more conscious of their health, I have a Fitbit Ultra. This is a small device, equipped with a accelerometer and motion sensors, that tracks how many steps I’...

Stop PIPA and SOPA 19 Jan 2012 | 04:12 am

I have the regrettable honor to live in the congressional district of Lamar Smith, sponsor of the more regrettable SOPA and PIPA bills. Here is the letter I sent him this morning: Dear Sir, SOPA and...

Interview Tip 25 May 2012 | 11:09 pm

Interview Tip Category: General Interview Tips Carry a few copies of your resume, interview form( if any), copy of interview call letter and  rough papers along with your testimonials. Arrange them....

Letter to Om Khaled 15 Dec 2011 | 02:16 pm

Om Khaled, My partner, my friend, my half, my all, my love, the mother of my child, my support in life. I MISS YOU I LOVE YOU. The only reason I can bear being separated from you is your support. I...

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