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Setup OpenERP Server on CentOS 6.0 3 Jan 2012 | 07:39 pm

Langkah 1. Install OpenERP on CentOS 6.0 # Installasi Postgresql 9 Menambahkan Repository postgresql 9 : $ wget install repositoryny...

How to setup vnc-server on fedora 11 8 Jan 2010 | 08:39 pm

Use following steps [root@purabk-pc purab]# yum install vnc-server Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit Setting up Install Process Package tigervnc-server-1.0.0-2.fc11.i586 already installed and latest ...

Android version 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) is now available 15 Nov 2011 | 12:12 pm

Hi! We just released a bit of code we thought this group might be interested in. Over at our Android Open-Source Project git servers, the source code for Android version 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) is n...

Simple Steps to setup OpenSSH server on Ubuntu 10.10 20 May 2011 | 04:26 pm

One of Linux’s more useful features is its ability to permit secure, encrypted remote access. Secure Shell technology (SSH) permits you to control a remote computer without having actual physical acce...

Hotspot Server Setup with Profiles 12 May 2010 | 04:11 am

In this article i will cover how to setup HOTSPOT Server with different profiles. First we will configure interface that is connected to WAN. Now one interface is configured and connected to WAN (wi...

Setup DNS Server dengan BIND di Ubuntu 5 Apr 2011 | 06:54 pm

Step 1: Install dulu Ubuntu 8.04. Step 2: Install bind 9: Code: Step 3: Konfigurasi file utama bind. biasanya jika kita menginstall Bind dari source code, kita harus mengedit named.conf. tetapi di ...

PhpStorm, Git und ein Remote Webserver 29 Jul 2011 | 09:45 pm

Im Artikel Git Repository erstellen und mit den Git Server verbinden, wurde ein lokales Git Repository angelegt, auf den Server kopiert und dann wurden beide verknüpft. In diesem Artikel geht es um di...

Git Repository erstellen und mit den Git Server verbinden 29 Jul 2011 | 09:13 pm

Im ersten Teil dieser Anleitung wurde gezeigt wie man den Git Server einrichtet und Git for Windows an den Git Server anschließt. In diesem Teil wird gezeigt wie man ein neues Repository anlegt, es au...

Mirror android to local git server 13 Apr 2011 | 06:59 pm

Pre: I'm assuming you already familiar with how gitosis & git working, read my page @ if you're still out of it. Setup Do: 1. (mirror-user) Create the an...

Git with Gitosis 6 Apr 2011 | 01:40 pm

Pre: You want to set up git server @ debian Note: # -> means execute as root # -> means execute as normal user Initial Setup: 1. (root) Install the gitosis and git: Debian will resulting ...

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