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More signal warning related news:

HDTV (High Definition Television) Explained 11 Feb 2012 | 09:28 am

HDTV is the popular acronym for High Definition Television, which is a way of broadcasting video in digital format, whereby the signal is sent in the form of zeros and ones instead of the waves used i...

Don’t Read if U don’t want to laugh! 29 May 2012 | 07:39 pm

1. Statutory Warning: For recreational use only. 2. Jokes can be hazardous to health. Laugh Sparingly. 3. No one under 18 admitted. 4. No Solicitors. 5. No parking. 6. Trespassers will be prosecu...

Matkjede: – Positive signaler om handelsskikklov 25 May 2012 | 10:02 pm

– Det er et viktig og positivt signal fra Aasland og de andre representantene i næringskomiteen på Stortinget at de vil anbefale regjeringen å gå videre med en lov om god handelsskikk i dagligvarebran...

7 Tips to Control Your Hunger 23 Aug 2010 | 03:55 am

7 tips to Control your Hunger Our fitness trainers try to force us on a diet; our doctors warn us to control our food intake thanks to our high cholesterol levels; our wives and girlfriends have warn...

A Cable Solution 23 Apr 2012 | 02:14 pm

CCTV security surveillance systems with long cable runs from remote cameras require the optimum cable for the best video quality. Poor cable will deteriorate the sharpness of the video signal. Further...

Why smokers gain weight when they quit 11 Jun 2011 | 01:51 am

WASHINGTON: Scientists say they've finally discovered why smokers tend to gain some weight when they kick the habit. It turns out that nicotine can rev up brain cells that normally signal people to s...

Warning: Facebook Fan Check Virus 8 Sep 2009 | 05:29 am

Social networking hotspots like Twitter and Facebook lately have been used by hackers as a launchpad to spread malware. Just few days ago, this particular app, Fan Check has been a hot app among my......

The wonderful world of microtypography I [3] 17 Jun 2011 | 03:52 pm

Warning: while I am a typographer, I have learned my trade in Germany, thusly I only know the exact typographic terminology in German. I’m trying to find the right English wording for most German term...

Earthquake strikes in Sumatra – Bangalore, Madras and Kolkata affected, India warned 11 Apr 2012 | 09:36 pm

There are several reports of Earthquake strikes in Sumatra and the warning of Tsunami from the coasts of India and what was surprising to know is that the Bangalore, Madras, Kolkata and Delhi were the...

Climate change will reduce water 1 Nov 2011 | 07:08 pm

Rome – The UN food agency warned climate change will restrict the availability of water for farming in decades to come, including in the Mediterranean region, and urged governments to take action. A ...

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