Most snes emulator mac related news are at:

mi-août 18 Aug 2013 | 11:09 pm
Quelques mises à jour depuis début août avec pour commencer Wine qui passe en version 1.7.0 pour la branche de développement. CrossOver a lui aussi été mis à jour en version 12.5.0 alors que l'interfa...
Pendant nos vacances 28 Jul 2013 | 07:10 pm
Pas mal de mises ont eu lieu pendant que nous bullions, alors voici une liste des émulateurs mis à jour depuis ainsi que ceux que nous avions loupé. Emulation micro-ordinateur : zxsp version 0.8.0pr...
More snes emulator mac related news:
DSTWO SNES emulator V1.05 2010-09-10 13 Sep 2010 | 11:37 pm
Anything Discussion • Gamestick 16 Jan 2013 | 11:43 pm
I've been on the look-out for something like this for many years. How cool would a portable android powered gaming system built into and HDMI stick be? Think NES / SNES emulator in your pocket with a ...
Motorola Atrix – Nintendo SNES emulator + Wii controller 4 Feb 2013 | 07:27 pm
That’s something about all Nintendo SNES lovers – a new way to play your favorite oldschool SNES games on the Atrix. Of course, with Wii remote controller, you can play the games on the WebTop for bet...
no$sns v1.5 31 Jul 2013 | 03:30 am
Hi, I've just released version 1.5 of the no$sns SNES emulator/debugger: The biggest news is improved rendering: The emu is now preserving the original SNES pixel asp...
Snex8x emulator now available for Windows 8 14 Dec 2012 | 06:06 am
Microsoft approved submission of Snes8X -an SNES emulator- into its Windows 8/RT app store. Snex8X is based on the popular Snes9X (, with games controllable using keyboard input...
lolSnes -- SNES emulator for DS 19 Aug 2013 | 10:27 pm
I hope this project will bring some new life into the SNES-on-DS scene. It looks like all the existing emulators for the DS are dormant or discontinued, which is sad. lolSnes is a project I had start...
Does it run on Linux or Macs? 22 Sep 2009 | 09:04 am
I don’t know. It’s never been tested on any emulators on those systems. It needs Microsoft’s .Net framework. Its requirements are modest – it doesn’t use a database system and doesn’t need to run quic...
Some MAC ROMs 1 Feb 2011 | 09:47 am
Some Mac ROMs, for use with emulation programs such as Mini vMac and Basilisk. Includes Plus, Classic, Colour Classic, LC, LCII, LCIII, LC475, IIcx,Performa570, Performa580, Performa630, Centris650, Q...
Tsunami di Jepun.. MasyaALLAH! 17 Mar 2011 | 12:49 am
11 MAC 2011 mncatatkn lg satu pristiwa brdarah... Tsunami berulng kmbli,kali ni d Jepun.. Aku sbnarnye xtaw menahu psal ni smpaila tgk berita mlm sabtu ari tu.. huhu.. mmg trok sgt keadaan kt sne.. ....
How To Install PCSX2 for Mac Plugin 24 Feb 2011 | 05:31 pm
If you own a Mac, already installed PS2 Emulator for Mac, PCSX2 Mac, and wondering how to install its needed plugins. Look no further, here's a video to show the PCSX2 Mac plugin installation process....