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GPlus Super Circles Social Media Automation Software 13 Jan 2012 | 09:29 am
Google+ Marketing Strategies is proud to announce our new exclusive social media automation software, GPlus Super Circles. Currently in private beta, GPlus Super Circles allows you to auto-magically ...
More Traffic, More Leads With Social Media Automation 2 Sep 2011 | 01:23 pm
I had to share this post, because my business partner Tara R Cummins has yet again created a AMAZING piece of content that outlines the importance of automating your social media in order to connect w...
Social Media Automation – Using Sprout Social to benefit your business 25 Jun 2013 | 07:04 am
In many industries – one thing you can’t afford to forget is Social Media. Social media is where your potential customers are ready to read what you have to say about your brand, your business or you...
Top Internet marketing strategy links for the week of July 20, 2013 20 Jul 2013 | 07:00 pm
Here are the top Internet strategy, marketing and technology links for the week of July 20, 2013… How to Target Only Your Customers With Facebook (Social Media Examiner) Social Media Automation: A B...
Top Social Media Automation Tools Designed For Marketers 26 Aug 2013 | 05:54 pm
• Facebook • Twitter • Pinterest • Google Plus • Google • Delicious • Digg • YahooBuzz • StumbleUpon • Add to favorites • Email • RSS Ways to communicate between people has evolved over the years. In...
Social Media Automation – How to Choose Automated and Non-Automated Content 18 Jul 2013 | 01:47 am
Data now shows that a strong social media presence can influence search engine rankings. This means that growing businesses must optimize their social media campaigns in order to reap the benefits tha...
Staying LinkedIn the Real Estate Industry 2 Mar 2010 | 12:27 pm
LinkedIn is often called “The Redheaded Stepchild of Social Media.” Most people create a profile and leave it in a dormant state. Mistake #1 Most real estate professionals underestimate the search en...
The Best Time To Post On Facebook Is The First Afternoon, Tumblr In The The Evening 18 May 2012 | 04:32 am
Introduction: In my recent post I mentioned about what is the best day and time to post on blog. Anyway, as you may know, not all social media works at the same way, and therefore sharing content foll...
Why Investing In Social Media Now Will Keep Your Business Alive? 11 May 2012 | 09:28 am
Summary: According to a survey conducted by Wildfire App of 700 marketing experts around the world, 97% of managers think that the use of Web Marketing and Social Media go to benefit their business. T...