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Fun Friday: Forget tradition, this maid of honour is taking speeches to a whole new level! 5 Jul 2013 | 08:12 pm

This week has seen many newsworthy events, but as it’s Friday, we thought we would focus on something a little less serious… a hoody and trainer wearing maid of honour who’s wedding speech has since g...

Integrating Social CRM 27 Jun 2013 | 06:04 pm

On July 8-9th, Sentiment Metrics is sponsoring Social CRM 2013 London. The theme for this year’s event is ‘Moving Beyond Engagement’ and raises some interesting questions. No doubt the debate has mat...

More social media sentiment monitoring related news:

NetBase Snapshot: Social love for Gartner, Forrester, IDC and Altimeter Group 8 Feb 2011 | 09:37 am

Lisa Joy Rosner at NetBase has posted a newly minted social media sentiment analysis on Gartner, Forrester Research, IDC and Alitmeter Group. For me, there’s one surprise in the results. No surprise,...

Social Media Buzz Monitoring: The Oscars 2012 1 Mar 2012 | 12:43 am

Last Sunday, February 26th, The Oscars’ ceremony was celebrated once again. A type of event that generates a lot of conversations around the world so we thought it would be interesting to share with y...

Three Things Thursday 26 Jul 2012 | 09:00 pm

This week’s three things are all about making the internet a little more real. Check out how the London Eye is going to use social media sentiments to put on a show, how YouTube is trying to curb nast...

CBS News: Scott Walker wins Wisconsin recall election 6 Jun 2012 | 05:03 pm

Social media sentiment around Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, who's facing a recall Tuesday, is exceedingly low. Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) was projected the winner of Tuesday night's gubernator...

#Measure13 – The UK’s Leading Measurement Event – 26 – 27 March, London 1 Mar 2013 | 05:30 pm

Social Media Measurement & Monitoring is back, one of our most popular events, on the 26th to 27th March in London. The two day event will feature the very best of the measurement & monitoring in one ...

Top Free Social Media Competitor Monitoring Tools 15 Aug 2013 | 02:38 pm

These days you can find most brands and businesses on social media as most organisations try to get closer to their consumers through the top platforms such as  Twitter, Facebook, G+ and Linkedin. It’...

Social Media Development, Monitoring and Maintenance 27 Aug 2013 | 04:11 am

by: Description: Social Media Development and Monitoring can be a tedious task and we know how to help! From Planning, to Designing, to Posting & Monitoring, we can get your social media a...

Top Free Social Media Competitor Monitoring Tools 15 Aug 2013 | 02:38 pm

These days you can find most brands and businesses on social media as most organisations try to get closer to their consumers through the top platforms such as  Twitter, Facebook, G+ and Linkedin. It’...

HootSuite 101 For The Social Media Manager 8 Jul 2013 | 04:55 pm

HootSuite is a popular way to help social media managers monitor, create and share social media content on multiple platforms. By Courtney Cairns Pastor For the casual Twitter user, it’s no big deal...

Market Sentinel – new focus 16 Feb 2012 | 08:01 am

MarketSentinel is announcing a new focus today. For the last couple of year our clients have been saying things like: “Sure we monitor social media but – bleurgh! – we have no idea what to do with th...

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