Most sony extends welcome back related news are at:

Atlus Details AquaPazza For Release This November 22 Aug 2013 | 05:17 am
AquaPazza a 2D fighting game puts the characters from developer AquaPlus' previous titles, including Tears to Tiara, ToHeart and Utawarerumono. The game has 13 playable characters and 13 partners to c...
Gamescom 2013: Football Manager 2014 Coming To PS Vita 22 Aug 2013 | 03:22 am
Sony announced at their conference Football Manager 2014 is being developed for the PS Vita.
More sony extends welcome back related news:
Principal’s Message – Welcome back 17 Jan 2012 | 11:29 pm
On behalf of MCHEMT it’s my pleasure to extend a very special welcome to all our new and also to all our returning students. As you take the time to read through this letter, I would like to draw your...
PSN Welcome Back Kit Coming to an End 2 Jul 2011 | 07:45 am
Almost a month ago, Sony had a grand reopening for the PlayStation Network after a malicious attack by internet bad guys. In an effort to apologize to loyal customers Sony assembled a Welcome Back kit...
Playstation welcome back 6 Jun 2011 | 06:50 am
SHARE and FORWARD: In an effort to appease dissatisfaction with the recent hacking and subsequent outage associated with the Playstation Network, Sony is offering some freebies! read more
The Sony PS3 hacker debacle and their Welcome Back plan 6 Jun 2011 | 04:58 pm
Sony launched a large effort this weekend to entice video gamers back to their Playstation Network with free games, downloads, and movies following the recent security issues that crippled their onlin...
Perc - CLR Podcast 182 - Extended 20 Aug 2012 | 02:30 pm
Perc - CLR Podcast 182 "It is Monday the 20th of August 2012 and we are very happy to welcome back Perc on the CLR Podcast." D o w n l o a d [ Filefactory - Depositfiles - Uploaded - Turbobit ] Get...
Welcome back? 18 Jan 2013 | 06:31 pm
Hey, If there are still people visiting this blog. I would like to extend my gratitude for coming here despite a year hiatus. Ever since college life started, life went on and I left some of myself b...
Welcome back. 2 Feb 2013 | 03:14 am
You may have noticed that my break from blogging turned into something more like an extended leave of absence. The only reason that I can give for my absence from the blogosphere is that I simply did...
Welcome Back! 11 Mar 2013 | 01:26 am
Welcome back to Dollar Tech Check! After a bit of an extended hiatus, we are back and in business! The website has been redesigned, new writers are being found, and new contacts are being made. What d...
Welcome back? 18 Jan 2013 | 06:31 pm
Hey, If there are still people visiting this blog. I would like to extend my gratitude for coming here despite a year hiatus. Ever since college life started, life went on and I left some of myself b...
Welcome Back! 9 Jul 2013 | 05:01 pm
Dear ECMS Students and Parents! It is with great anticipation and joy that we welcome you to the 2013-14 academic year at East Cary Middle School! The faculty and staff would like to extend the warm...