Most sql 2008 enterprise related news are at: – .GENESIS - Интернет-магазин лицензионного программного обеспечения, модулей памяти и флеш-карт.

Акция "ABBYY 3 на 4" 1 Aug 2012 | 04:20 pm

Только в период с 1 по 31 августа 2012 года пользователи системы распознавания ABBYY FineReader (версий от 1.0 до 10) и электронных словарей ABBYY Lingvo (версий от 1 до х3) смогут получить скидку 40%...

Продление просроченных лицензий ESET 9 Jul 2012 | 10:31 pm

С 9 июля по 31 августа 2012 года пользователям продуктов ESET домашней или бизнес версий, которые не успели продлить свою лицензию в установленный срок*, предоставляется уникальная возможность осущест...

More sql 2008 enterprise related news:

Ahsay™ Backup Software Version Released 13 Dec 2010 | 02:00 pm

Ahsay™ Backup Software v5.5.8.0 has been released with several enhancements, including support of Microsoft Exchange 2010 and Microsoft SQL 2008 R2, new System State backup module for Windows 2008, su...

Windows 2008 serveriai 18 Aug 2010 | 01:58 am

Windows VDS serveriai nuo šiol teikiami su Windows Server 2008 Enterprise operacine sistema.

Saving changes is not permitted in SQL 2008 Management Studio 22 May 2012 | 06:39 pm

When you design a table in a database and then try to make a change to a table structure that requires the table to be recreated, the Database Management Studio will not allow you to save the changes....

Empir migrerar produktionssystem 31 Mar 2012 | 11:48 pm

Empir har fått en order av Scandinavian Business Seating AS på migrering av produktionssystem till en ny servermiljö. Den nya miljön ska baseras på Windows 2008, Citrix och SQL 2008.

سورس پروژه سیستم جامع دبیرخانه 29 Aug 2011 | 12:20 am

دانلود رایگان سورس پروژه سیستم جامع دبیرخانه  به زبان سی شارپ و بانک SQL 2008

Is there a Service Pack for SQL 2008 R2? 18 Feb 2011 | 03:18 am

Is there a service pack for SQL 2008 R2? Does the SQL 2008 service pack work with SQL 2008 R2? Actually CU 4 is now out, which fixes some more issues.

sql 2008 추가된 date 타입의 장점 23 Apr 2010 | 01:46 pm

select convert(datetime, '2008-02-02 23:59:59.999') select convert(datetime, '2008-02-02 23:59:59.998') select convert(smalldatetime, '2008-02-02 23:59:59.998') select convert(date, '2008-02-02 23:...

Adventures getting MSBuild, TFS and SQL Server Data Tools to work together 27 Apr 2012 | 05:42 pm

We recently found that our database project at work goes from a 40-minute build and compile to about 20 minutes when we upgrade from the VS2010 (SQL 2008) database projects (with the old .dbproj files...

Fine-Tuning Services 27 Aug 2008 | 08:36 am

To make Windows Server 2008 as fast as possible you also need to do some Windows Services fine-tuning. Below is a table with a list of all services on a clean Windows Server 2008 Enterprise machine. T...

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