Most studio 13 arts related news are at:

The Rainbow Center provides therapy with horses 25 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
Raise your hand if you enjoy horseback riding. I had never experienced the enjoyment of horseback riding until earlier this year, when we took a long, slow ride through remote farm and woodland in up...
An App a Day: Health-related Apps & Programs for Apple 23 Aug 2013 | 01:00 pm
Today’s society is quite fond of electronics. Laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and more have a constant place in the hands of many. While the prevalence of devices is quite beneficial in a number of w...
More studio 13 arts related news:
effingham Illinois Reception Hall 28 May 2012 | 04:33 am
effingham Illinois Wedding Photography Spruce St. Studios upscale arts and recreational space. Available for private events, weddings, receptions, banquets, conferences, meetings, parties, reunions.C...
The Saboteur Gets Patch Accounts 24 Nov 2011 | 04:41 pm
Saboteur was the last thing to come out late at Pandemic Studios, Electronic Arts has tightened the belt when, and decided that this was a study that had to go. As such, it seems to me that there are ...
SPONSOR: EM ART Studio 16 Apr 2012 | 08:37 am
EM ART STUDIO jest agencją reklamową o profilu FULL SERVICE i służy pomocą wszystkim tym, który chcą odpowiednio ugruntować swoją pozycję na rynku. Zajmuje się wykonywaniem materiałów reklamowych i pr...
WOODSTOCK DESIGN DISTRICT 18 May 2012 | 06:18 pm
Back on the MapThe clear emergence of Woodstock as the neighbourhood with the highest concentration of Design Studios and Art Galleries in the country, motivated Southern Guild to produce a curated se...
Un flyer pour un mariage sous le signe de Pac-Man 13 Jun 2011 | 09:34 pm
Salut à tous, Ça fait un petit moment que je n'ai pas posté sur mes différents blogs donc me revoilà aujourd'hui avec un flyer à la sauce Pac-Man mis sur pied par Fabienne Paul, du studio You Art. C...
σήμερα το βράδυ 11 May 2011 | 03:35 am
Δύο μέρες πριν ξεκινήσει η ART – ATHINA κάνει στάση στο Laternative. Απόψε στις 22.15 μας επισκέπτονται στο studio όλοι όσοι ετοιμάζονται πυρετωδώς για την 17η διοργάνωση της ART – ATHINA που θα πραγμ...
3D сферично декоративно стъкло за интериора 20 Jun 2011 | 11:12 pm
Декоративното стъкло в триизмерен сферичен вариянт принадлежи на Nathan Allan Glass Studios Modern Art. Разнообразието на декоративни модели е продуктувано от тенденциите в интериорния дизайн за прис...
Tattoo et piercing à Repentigny ! 30 Dec 2011 | 05:20 pm
Le studio SKIN ART TATTOO a pour vocation d'être un lieu de développement artistique et d'intégrité professionnelle pour le tatouage. SKIN ART TATTOO est un studio de tatouage chaleureux et accueilla...
RADICAL FIZZ vi invita all'evento più enigmatico della capitale: “Non esisto, e adesso chiudo” Giovedì 23 giugno, Monteverde Vecchio, Roma. Lo studio d’arte ICE BADILE parla per la prima ed ultima ...
ART STUDIO HOUR 1 Jun 2011 | 04:00 am
Art Studio Hour is an unique Art enrichment programme that engages young children in the study and appreciation of art techniques, creative exploration of art mediums and building of their cognitive a...