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More substr utf8 related news:

Putty: vim кириллица в Debian 6 30 Apr 2012 | 11:13 pm

Если у ваш клиент putty ну никак не хочет отображать кириллицу в редактор vim, а русская локаль на сервере устеновленна $ locale en_US.utf8 POSIX ru_RU.utf8 Следует проверить настройки самого клиент...

substr не работает с русским алфавитом 14 Jul 2011 | 05:39 pm

Вышла тут задачка вырезать из русской строки несколько символов. Столкнулся с проблемой что ни substr, ни mb_substr не корректно обрезали строку, возвращав пустой результат. Решение довольно быстро на...

Amazon and the new TAX CODE (State Sales Tax) 23 Oct 2011 | 02:48 am

Here is the link that discusses the Tax Code: Configure My Tax Settings: (This page keeps cha...

Some tips of mysql with utf8 charset 7 May 2012 | 11:50 pm

If you come across with “???” characters when you fetching data from the database, here are some tips you should look at. 1. Add these lines into your mysql configuration file For exmaple, Under th...

UCenter Home 2.0 鸡肋SQL 注入 13 Nov 2011 | 07:00 pm

UCenter Home 2.0 鸡肋SQL 注入.   Exploit: 要求: magic_quote_gpc off URL: cp.php?ac=profile&op=base 保存时创建一个POST,参数名为: friend[a',(select 1 from(select count(*),concat((Select concat(substring(authkey,1,64)) F...

C#中String类的几个方法(IndexOf、LastIndexOf、Substring) 28 May 2012 | 03:32 pm

String.IndexOf String.IndexOf 方法 (Char, Int32, Int32) 报告指定字符在此实例中的第一个匹配项的索引。搜索从指定字符位置开始,并检查指定数量的字符位置。 String.IndexOf(value, startIndex, count) 参数 value:要查找的 Unicode 字符。 startIndex:搜索起始位置。 count...

Substring-After, Substring-Before, Substring-After-Before in SQL 23 May 2012 | 08:22 pm

Substring Inspiring from BPEL string function to extract specific string after/before supplied tag/string boundary, I am try to make some pl/sqlfunction which similiar with that function. BPEL Funct...

Mount samba shares with utf8 encoding using cifs 28 Jul 2011 | 12:58 am

Introduction I was having the most difficult time in the world trying to figure out the best way to connect from my ubuntu workstation to a server hosting shares which were created on a windows 2000 s...

Datalife Engine 9.4 Full TR - Utf8 31 Oct 2011 | 01:25 am

DataLife Engine (DLE), sınırsız olanaklara sahip, çok kullanıcılı bir İçerik Yönetim Sistemi (CMS) dir. CMS ilk önceleri portal oluşturma, bloglar ve büyük bilgi içeriğine sahip siteler için kullanılm...

The Secret of Light NEW Ebook 5 Jul 2011 | 11:18 pm

Buy it HERE! ( tag=tldagentcom-20 linkCode=as2 camp=217145 creative=399373 creativeASIN=B00564TDCG) In revelation of what he...

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