Most summer intern related news are at:

客戶服務員 (郵件查詢) 27 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
51-13-0000136 合約制 — 27/08/2013 — 客戶服務員 (郵件查詢) — 政府部門 — 香港郵政 — 堅尼地城 — 處理顧客電話、電郵或書面查詢/投訴;與海外郵政機關聯絡,回覆查詢;轉介查詢/投訴予相關組別;處理並分析數據;及其他指派工作.*實際工作地點將按需要作出安排.**職位詳情及申請方法可瀏覽 — 須中學文憑考試5科E/2級包括中,...
助理社區幹事(兼職) 23 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
51-13-0000137 合約制 — 23/08/2013 — 助理社區幹事(兼職) — 政府部門 — 民政事務總署 — 新界北區 — 管理公眾人士有秩序使用社區中心/會堂場地設施;協助管理夜間臨時避暑/避寒中心;報告及記錄社區中心/會堂設施需維修事項;巡視社區中心/會堂樓層及內外範圍;及協助監管社區中心/會堂日常清潔及搬運傢俱.*或須在夜間臨時避暑/避寒中心通宵工作. — 小六程度,或同等學歷...
More summer intern related news:
Catch films from around the world at the East Brunswick Public Library 21 Jun 2011 | 05:22 am
EAST BRUNSWICK¬– Come by the East Brunswick Public Library and catch some of the most popular movies from around the globe at the Summer International Film Festival 2011. Sponsored by the Friends of T...
Meet Mary, Ardent’s Summer Intern 24 May 2012 | 12:43 am
Joining Ardent Creative this summer as a design intern is TCU student, Mary Daniels. This native of California initially started her undergrad career as a dance major, but ended up switching to graphi...
Never Summer Intern for a Day: 11 Year Old Team Rider Chris Corning 23 Jul 2011 | 03:15 am
Chris Corning has been riding for Never Summer since he was 8 years old. His dad, Brook Corning, called Never Summer and told us he wanted to give his son, 11 year old Never Summer Team Rider, a real ...
JVL 2012 Season Announcement 1 Nov 2011 | 10:36 am
Dear Students and Parents, We are back at this time of the year where I’m very proud to announce the new 11th season of JVL Summer School for Performing Arts “Music in Summer” International Festival ...
Knitgrrl Studio summer interns + the book is here! 7 Jul 2010 | 06:04 am
Say hello to Sarah Jo and Abra, our summer interns at Knitgrrl Studio! Abra is working with us on some publishing projects, while Sarah Jo is helping with our next pattern collection. We’ll be sure to...
Kelly’s Peppermint Hot Chocolate Cupcakes 31 Dec 2011 | 04:40 am
Kelly is one very industrious college junior. She is majoring in Sports Journalism and spent the summer interning at a major television station in Washington, D.C. She kept a blog about the sport st...
Please welcome our summer interns 29 Jun 2011 | 04:50 am
We are excited to announce that two accounting interns, two marketing interns, and one merchandising intern have joined the Red Hare team for the summer. Our interns come from a wide variety of backg...
A Little Bit of Paris in NYC 9 Jun 2010 | 08:52 am
Ada is one of's new summer interns. Her recent semester abroad in France inspired her to search out some of the best French fare on Check out what she found! I just got bac...
Facebook Timeline Denormalization Process 7 Jan 2012 | 12:02 am
Some of our specific challenges of the denormalization process were: 1. Dozens of legacy data formats that evolved over years. Peter Ondruška, a Facebook summer intern, defined a custom language to c...
Is Twitter the New Linkedin? -social times 29 Mar 2011 | 11:08 am
via Is Twitter the New Linkedin? -social times by Katie Kindelan Pulling a page straight from the Charlie Sheen playbook, a prominent ad agency just hired its summer interns based on a search conduc...