Most ted global 2011 related news are at:

We've moved!! 29 Apr 2013 | 11:24 pm
Hey everyone! As many of you are aware, our blog host Posterous is shutting down tomorrow (April 30). We've had a good run -- for over two years they've lovingly delivered awesome Fellows updates to ...
First Open Source Ecology Annual Report 21 Apr 2013 | 09:50 am
We've been quiet but very busy lately - and we have a lot of good news to share with you. First, here is Open Source Ecology's first ever Annual Report for download. It shows a good graphical picture...
More ted global 2011 related news:
Jordanian TED Fellow 12 Jun 2011 | 09:11 pm
we are absolutely thrilled, excited and so proud of Suleiman Bakhit, founder and CEO of Aranim Media Factory and Aranim Games, last night Suleiman was announced a TED Global 2011 Fellow, Suleiman will...
Trial error and the God complex Check out… 29 Nov 2011 | 12:09 pm
Trial, error and the God complex… Check out this TED talk that is everything to do with the Iteration Cycle and Incremental Augmentation.
Sistem jaringan listrik nirkabel 19 Oct 2009 | 12:17 pm
Dalam sebuah konferensi hi-tech di TED Global Conference, Oxford beberapa waktu lalu, diperkenalkan sebuah sistem jaringan listrik yang tidak menggunakan kabel (wireless).Untuk lebih jelasnya bisa dib...
TED The 2011/12 Ads Worth Spreading 25 Mar 2012 | 11:34 pm
什么是精美广告?它应该有独树一帜的娱乐理念,或者富有想象力的独特创意,可大俗大雅,亦不妨另类时尚,各路媒体会竞相追踪,也会被大众津津乐道;它不但能彰显品牌价值,更能承载传播思想的重任。 非营利机构TED相信这个道理,在2011年10月15-12月31日年发起“值得传播的广告”活动第二季,向全球征集广告片。最终有全球300多家广告公司和品牌公司参与,递交了数百精美广告片,这项活动也得到youtub...
JR ganador del TED Prize 2011 22 Jun 2011 | 12:18 am
JR es un fotógrafo francés que trabaja a lo grande. Su medio de expresión son las paredes, muros, escaleras, trenes donde plasma sus inquietudes: retratos en blanco y negro de gente corriente. Uno d...
Tourism Global 2011 Social Media Trends [Infographic by TIG] 24 Mar 2011 | 08:40 am
Source: TIG Global, interactive marketing company for hospitality and travel.
DOMAINfest Global 2011 Santa Monica 5 Feb 2011 | 12:00 am
Daniel Dryzek was invited to speak in ccTLD panel at DOMAINfest Global Conference in Santa Monica, California. A record setting 715 attendees from 30 countries gathered at the luxurious Fairmont Hote...
A Arte de Rua passando sua mensagem! 25 Nov 2010 | 08:57 am
Esta é uma incrível arte de rua feita por um artista conhecido como JR. Ele é o vencedor do Prêmio TED PRIZE 2011, que é um prêmio de inspiração para artistas que têm um desejo de mudar o mundo. JR ga...
Maquillages d’été 28 Sep 2011 | 06:30 pm
Bon l’été est bien fini, même si on a droit à un été indien, et il est temps de faire un bilan make-up. Comme chaque saison j’ai acheté des trucs en édition limitée, et globalement 2011 est un bon cru...
RDP @ TED Global 1 Jun 2012 | 06:42 am
The Raghu Dixit Project will be performing at TED Global 2012, in Edinburgh, Scotland as part of the main conference on the 1st day and then following it up with a Dewars After Party where we will be ...