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In Pictures: Look inside Ritz-Carlton Hotel Riyadh 4 Nov 2011 | 01:38 am
Ritz-Carlton is to open its first hotel in Saudi Arabia this month, the luxury operator said yesterday. The hotel in Riyadh, which has 493 rooms, is near the capital city’s diplomatic quarter. The p...
ANRE: Gazele importate vor fi mai scumpe cu 11,5% în primul semestru decât preţul lor mediu din 2011 8 Apr 2012 | 10:38 pm
Preţul mediu al gazelor importate în perioada ianuarie-iunie va fi de 493 dolari/1.000 metri cubi, mai mare cu 11,5% comparativ cu media anuală din 2011, de 442 dolari, reiese din datele Autorităţii N...
エコプランニング富山本店 30 Jun 2011 | 09:01 pm
エコプランニング富山本店★★★ (えこぷらんにんぐとやまほんてん) 富山県富山市東町1-5-8 クリスタルビル1階102号室 TEL:076-493-2650 会社名(店名)の特徴 貴金属や携帯・金券などを高価買取りを致します。地元のどの他店様よりも少しでも高く買い取れるようにがんばっています。地元に密着し、安心と信頼ある店舗を目指しています。今後とも当店をよろしくお願いします。 代表...
Yamaha FG730S Acoustic Guitar 12 Apr 2012 | 09:56 am
Overall Rating: Total Customer Reviews: (6) List Price: $493.00 Sale Price: $299.84 Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days The level of detail and craftsmanship found in the FG730S plac...
Satania (1986) 27 Aug 2008 | 12:13 am
Duration: 85 Mins Size: 493 Mb Screen: 352 x 256 The epic struggle between good and evil takes on a new twist as Satania decides to turn a decent man to decadence. She makes a bet with a rival angel ...
AVS Video Converter (FULL / FINAL / ML) 10 Oct 2011 | 06:36 pm
"AVS Video Converter can convert between most known video files: AVI, MPEG, DVD, WMV, 3GP, FLV & more. Rip and burn personal DVDs, convert video, create HD Video, split, join, edit, apply effects, cop...
Kijkcijfers week 40 9 Oct 2011 | 08:30 pm
Het weekgemiddelde van week 40 is 1,60 miljoen kijkers. Maandag 3 oktober: 1.581.000 kijkers (marktaandeel 24,4%) Dinsdag 4 oktober: 1.493.000 kijkers (marktaandeel 23,7%) Woensdag 5 oktober: 1.599...
Decíamos ayer... 2 Feb 2010 | 10:43 pm
El 8 de enero de 2009, colgábamos una entrada con la cifra de parados que, según el INEM, ascendía a 3.128.963. Una cifra realmente alta, pero nada comparable a la hemos conocido hoy: 4.048.493. Réco...
harga emas hari ini tanggal 28 november 2011 28 Nov 2011 | 08:25 pm
Date : 28-11-2011 8:12:00 Buy Back Price :Rp .493.000/gram Gram Price per Bar (Rp) Price per Gram (Rp) Stock 1 555.000 555.000 Available 2 1.068.000 534.000 Available 2.5 1.324.500 529...
A farra dos contratos e das horas extras 5 Oct 2011 | 06:15 am
A folha de pagamento do mês de setembro consumiu R$ 4.850.707,79. Anualizado dá R$ 58.208.493,48. Provavelmente deve estar estourando o limite da Lei de responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF). Vamos aguardar o...