Most the west game related news are at:

Track It or Frak It! 14 Feb 2013 | 04:14 pm
If you’re a beta player, you’re already enjoying the recently added Quest-Tracker in it’s purest and most prototypal form we could offer you. Although working hard on getting it done for the just rele...
2.03: TheWestApi change 25 Jan 2013 | 05:15 pm
Recently there is a small addition on our TheWestAPI which can be used by scripters. The belonging The West API page on this blog will be updated soon. Our TheWestApi.register method now returns a G...
More the west game related news:
Ellen Raskin – The Westing Game 20 Sep 2012 | 01:00 pm
Title: The Westing Game [indie bound] [amazon] Author: Ellen Raskin [facebook] Genre: Middle Grade Publisher: Puffin Series: None Format: Paperback Source: Purchased Reviewer: Andi Parental Advisory:...
Game Freak’s Harmo Knight For Nintendo 3DS May Come To West 25 Sep 2012 | 02:18 pm
Game Freak wants to bring its rhythm platformer, Harmo Knight, to Europe and North America. When the game launched September 5th in Japan, it became one of the biggest downloadable titles for Nintendo...
Kees Brennenkmeyer Foundation Grant 13 Nov 2012 | 12:46 am
I went on my biggest mountain bike ride last week, Ferrins to Leeks to West Game to Cache and back home to Jackson. It has been nearly four months since having a major knee surgery at the Steadman Cli...
Ellen Raskin – The Westing Game 20 Sep 2012 | 01:00 pm
Title: The Westing Game [indie bound] [amazon] Author: Ellen Raskin [facebook] Genre: Middle Grade Publisher: Puffin Series: None Format: Paperback Source: Purchased Reviewer: Andi Parental A...
World Wild West: game indie coloca o jogador em desafios para ser o mais rápido do Oeste 20 Aug 2013 | 06:19 pm
Mais um game brasileiro de respeito acaba de ser lançado e por isso merece destaque em nossas páginas. Criado pelo estúdio indie QUByte Interactive, World Wild West é um game com feeling casual que co...
10 Best Mountain West games in 2013 19 Aug 2013 | 08:23 pm
Joe Southwick eludes the Fresno State pass rush in their October 2012 game in Boise For the 2013 Mountain West football season there are some terrific games on the docket. The Mountain West is loaded...
after the burn 9 Aug 2013 | 03:38 am
A cyclist descends the West Game Creek trail through an area of forest scorched by the Little Horsethief Fire. Photo by Brenton Reagan Eleven months after the Little Horsethief Fire burned the back o...
World Wild West: game indie coloca o jogador em desafios para ser o mais rápido do Oeste 20 Aug 2013 | 06:19 pm
Mais um game brasileiro de respeito acaba de ser lançado e por isso merece destaque em nossas páginas. Criado pelo estúdio indie QUByte Interactive, World Wild West é um game com feeling casual que co...
Blog Wars 6 Tickets on Sale Now! 26 Jul 2013 | 10:30 pm
Right folks, the time has come to put the tickets up for Blog Wars 6. The event takes place on Saturday 2nd November 2013 at the North West Gaming Centre, Stockport, UK. All of the details for the eve...
World Wild West: game indie coloca o jogador em desafios para ser o mais rápido do Oeste 20 Aug 2013 | 06:19 pm
Mais um game brasileiro de respeito acaba de ser lançado e por isso merece destaque em nossas páginas. Criado pelo estúdio indie QUByte Interactive, World Wild West é um game com feeling casual que co...