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More vim git stash related news:
Обновление Ruby On Rails проектов с github 30 Nov 2011 | 12:35 am
Приблизительная схема обновления проектов на Ruby On Rails, взятых с 1. git stash 2. git pull 3. git stash apply 4. merge??? 5. bundle 6. RUBY_ENV=production bundle exec rake db:migra...
Brew and Mac OS X Lion Error: Failed while executing git pull master 15 Aug 2011 | 07:27 am
I had to fix permissions on the /usr/local folder: sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local cd /usr/local git add . git stash git reset --hard brew update
最完善的vimrc设置 29 Feb 2012 | 04:22 pm
找了很久,以前一直是复制黏贴各种vimrc,现在牛人搞了个直接制动更新+安装的,用起来很爽 git clone git:// 进入这个文件夹,sh 不用动,等所有的自动完成,然后:q退出 可能会csapprox的gui问题,进入.vimrc, 找到bundle csapprox,把它注释掉 于是搞定。简...
最完善的vimrc设置 29 Feb 2012 | 11:22 am
找了很久,以前一直是复制黏贴各种vimrc,现在牛人搞了个直接制动更新+安装的,用起来很爽 git clone git:// 进入这个文件夹,sh 不用动,等所有的自动完成,然后:q退出 可能会csapprox的gui问题,进入.vimrc, 找到bundle csapprox,把它注释掉 于是搞定。简单吧
Mini Searches with Answers 13 Aug 2012 | 11:36 am
These are links associated with recent searches I’ve done. They’re not difficult enough to warrant to their own posts but still super useful. Using git stash branch – Arjan’s tumblelogScenario: You s...
Git: resolve conflict after stash pop in working directory (no staging/index) 20 Nov 2012 | 06:45 pm
In git, when you do git stash pop of unfinished code after upstream merges, you might get a conflict between the stash and the upstream changes you pulled in. You git clone now has "unmerged paths" a...
Fundamental SSH tricks when working across multiple hosts 12 May 2013 | 03:33 pm
Time to note down some SSH tricks. Vim, Git, Unix, SSH! All very efficient when you spend some time learning the ins and outs. Key-based login It is hard to keep up with many hostnames and passwords s...
Git Branching vs. Stashing 14 Jun 2013 | 02:41 am
I’ve started using git stash more in my development work. I’ve always wondered exactly what it did, and I finally took some time to review the details, and more importantly discover a practical use-ca...
Brew and Mac OS X Lion Error: Failed while executing git pull master 15 Aug 2011 | 12:27 am
I had to fix permissions on the /usr/local folder: sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local cd /usr/local git add . git stash git reset --hard brew update
Git stash 30 Oct 2012 | 12:27 pm
Bei der täglichen Arbeit kommt es ja immer wieder zu Unterbrechungen. Man entwickelt an einem Feature und plötzlich kommt ein Bug rein, der schnell behoben werden muss. Früher hat man dann immer gehof...