Most what im feeling related news are at:

25 days left 19 Jul 2012 | 02:47 am
merin reilu viikko pähkinänkuoressa: - töitä - salia - lenkkeilyä - kavereita - juhlimista pitkästä aikaa - vähän lisää töitä - parista ihanan aurinkoisesta päivästä nauttimista parhaassa seurassa vi...
with all my heart 10 Jul 2012 | 02:32 am
taas on postailussa ollu pientä taukoa ja nyt tuleeki vähän sekalaista settiä :D viime viikolla olin kaks päivää töissä ja sit alko mun huima 5 päivän kesäloma. loppuviikko meni pääasiassa keminmaassa...
More what im feeling related news:
Im feeling blue.... 10 Nov 2011 | 10:45 am
Blue and white....such a crisp and classic color combo which never gets old
Im back guys! 10 Nov 2011 | 05:29 am
Sorry I was gone for a long time first off my computer suicided and second my dad died :'( Part from that im feeling good and confident to become Vice Leader
THIS BLOG HAS PR 2 AGAIN 20 Oct 2010 | 09:50 pm
horeee,from yesterday until today im feel happy.why because this blog has pr 2 again,well thanks to my frined ega abdillah who assume me for find a backlink for a blog that has pr n/a or decrease in p...
GOOGLE NOT UPDATE PAGERANK YET.well im feel tired because in a couple week im still lot of backlink but thats useless i mean not useless but until now google not update pagerank,in my opinion google u...
THIS BLOG HAS PR N/A 28 Jul 2010 | 01:32 am
today im feel said because this blog has pr n/a,before n/a this blog has PR 2,how sadly its my mistake because im not update my content on this blog and still busy with hope me win seo contest start s...
Adat dan Perkahwinan (Entry tak ada gambar) 16 Feb 2011 | 02:39 pm
Hello.. As Salam All readers, Im feeling kinda boring at work since the BF is not around. He's out of the country for work... Rindu much!!! We had quarrel last week about His Adat which i think will...
back to school 7 Jan 2012 | 07:52 pm
Tomorrow will be my last holiday. Im not quite sure on how im feeling exactly. Im a bit excited and super duper afraid. from this semster onwards, all of my grades will be part of my CGPA. I completed...
Random Designs: The Turquoise Tales 12 Oct 2009 | 08:50 pm
So today i was in a random state of mood, and usually when im feeling random i decide to do random designs... well this time i used Acrylic Paint brand Craft Smart Turquoise, Ocean Breeze and lime gre...
Feeling Domestic 6 May 2010 | 04:58 am
Im feeling really domestic today, but cant get in gear to get things done. I want a spotless kitchen, dinner cooked and a steaming hot pie waiting for dessert. Doesnt sound bad does it? IM gonna try t...
back to december 19 Dec 2011 | 02:56 am
I guess I'm having great time with my boyfie walking at the beach although beach wasn't beautiful enough but sunset is always the beautiful thing you ever seen :) Im feeling so fresh without any make...