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Nana Plaza at Night 2 Apr 2012 | 03:37 pm

Panorama photo of Nana Plaza in Bangkok with all it's bars like Hollywood and Pretty Lady It’s known as a compound full of agogo bars and first stop for every foreign tourist who wants to enjoy a...

Student Loans And Bankruptcy 13 Oct 2011 | 02:44 am

College tuition costs have sky rocketed in the past decade. These huge tuition payments have made student loans necessary for most students. When you compound these loans with a poor job market you ge...

Banish Wrinkles and Boost Memory with These Antioxidant Rich Fruits 3 Sep 2010 | 04:51 pm

By David N. Ilfeld, M.D.Board Certified Internal Medicine, Rheumatology, Allergy & Immunology While there is no such thing as the “fountain of youth,” there are many foods and natural compounds tha...

Avatar Compound 8 Oct 2009 | 08:32 am

Description: Facility in the Hell's Gate (RDA ESC 01) complex on Pandora Function: Enclosed area containing unpressurized quarters and recreational facilities for use by Avatar Project field agents ...

Hell's Gate 2 Oct 2009 | 09:29 am

Description: RDA compound on Pandora Function: Base of operations and housing for all human activities on Pandora Notes: Properly, Resources Development Administration Extra-Solar Colony 01 (RDA ESC...

Will Pain Relievers Fight Cancer 15 Dec 2011 | 11:04 pm

A grade of compounds that has been known to provide pain relief and reduce the inflammation of arthritis can be helpful in the prevention and treatment of skin, bladder and colon cancer, according to ...

Infrared Pal 16 Apr 2010 | 04:20 pm

IRPal is a program that may come in quite handy in interpreting IR-spectra of organic compounds. It is shipped with a small database that is suitable for global assignments of functional groups and st...

C_H_N_O Elemental analysis 16 Apr 2010 | 04:12 pm

This freeware program accepts input values for mass % of the elements C (Carbon), H (Hydrogen), N (Nitrogen) and O (Oxygen). If  a value for O is not explicitily given in a compound that contains oxyg...

Multiboxing Dire Maul Gordok Compound 17 Jun 2011 | 10:58 pm

Here is the final leg of the Dire Maul instance journey, Gordok Compound.  As with the other recent videos done by Tim, this was features the 3x Hunter group, which really is tearing it up quiet nice....

Pocket guide to Contract Flooring Products 22 Oct 2011 | 07:56 am

You can get a free copy of Tremo Illbruck’s 44 page pocket guide to Contract Flooring Products. The guide covers damp proof membranes, smoothing compounds and adhesives. This guide a great help to cre...

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