Most why do whales breach related news are at:

Why do people from different countries look different to each other? 5 Sep 2012 | 06:45 am

Actually, people from different countries look pretty much the same. The differences that do exist - like skin colour and eye shape - are due to where our ancestors lived, and how they spread out from...

Why do we walk on two legs (instead of four)? 5 Sep 2012 | 06:39 am

To be honest - we don't know for sure. Our ancestors may have started the habit to help gather food, to defend themselves or even to wade across rivers! We really don't know? Well, there are lots of...

More why do whales breach related news:

PIC OF THE DAY: Humpback whale breaching (with video too) 16 Aug 2012 | 11:41 am

A breaching humpback whale surprises some fishermen. Via Alex_Ogle on Twitter Apparently, there’s video too: Filed under: Animals, Photography, Video Tagged: Humpback Whale, Humpback Whale Breaching, ...

Maui Day 4 27 Mar 2013 | 04:10 am

We went to Starbucks this morning as usual, but didn't run but walked instead. We sighted many whales breaching... It truly is an amazing sight. After our coffee, we got the kids and decided to go fo...

Shot this on my family vacation to Hawaii 6 Mar 2013 | 03:04 am

We had a view of the whales breaching in the channel between Maui and Lanai. So beautiful.Reshared on Google+ 1 times | View post on Google+

A Whale of a Stick On Chalkboard 14 Oct 2010 | 09:01 pm

Finally, a chalkboard that will grab your kids’ attention – hook, line and sinker. A Whale of a Stick On Chalkboard ($29) features a Julien Chung design and includes a whale, water spout, eight drople...

Temporarily using default theme 24 Jun 2011 | 05:26 pm

Close followers to this site have noticed that the fancy design has disappeared. This is due to several issues with plugins that have caused a breach in first layer security. I wiped the entire domain...

The Anatomy of a Whale 10 Feb 2010 | 07:47 pm

Over on the Twitter Engineering Blog, Ed Ceaser and I posted an article about how we debugged a production incident on It talks about what causes what has become known as “The Fail Whale”...

CitiBank hacked – dumb developers, dumber security consultants 15 Jun 2011 | 04:40 am

This makes me bang my head on the desk In the Citi breach, the data thieves were able to penetrate the bank’s defenses by first logging on to the site reserved for its credit card customers. Once in...

Infected flash drive blamed for US military breach 26 Aug 2010 | 01:34 pm

The most significant computer systems' breach in U.S. military history dates back to 2008, when malicious code contained in a flash drive infected a laptop of a military official posted in the Middle ...

Latest Email Hacks and Security Breaches 20 Oct 2011 | 09:27 am

This brief overview of the latest email hacks and security breaches will help you learn the vulnerabilities of using email today. Using MyFreeEmailSearch do to free email lookups can help you protect ...

A punto de publicarse "James Whale. El padre de Frankenstein" 8 May 2011 | 12:15 am

Próximamente saldrá a la venta un nuevo libro de cine: James Whale. El padre de Frankenstein, escrito por Juan A. Pedrero Santos y publicado por Calamar Ediciones. Consta de 288 páginas profusamente i...

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