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jQuery Validation插件onfocosout/onkeyup出错的解决方法 23 Apr 2013 | 09:29 am
在使用jQuery Validation插件(jquery.validate.js)时,我们会需要在input文本域失去焦点时(即onblur)或者键盘输入时触发针对当前文本域的验证。 根据官方以及网上各类中英文的说明(可以说这个插件的文档资料做的不是很好,没有很系统很规范的API说明),我们发现了onfocusout和onkeyup这两个选项。 查阅了很多博客、问答,大部分的内容都只说了默认...
jQuery Validation 在IE7(兼容模式)下出现“找不到成员”的脚本错误 23 Apr 2013 | 09:25 am
在使用jQuery Validation插件时,一开始遇到的诡异问题是当浏览器调试(F12)时,如果文档模式使用的是IE7标准,则会出现以下错误: SCRIPT3: 找不到成员。 jquery.js, 行2582 字符4 找到一篇CSDN的帖子:SCRIPT3:找不到成员,其中一位朋友的回答可以作为临时解决方案: 在jquery.validate.js中找到以下内容: // Add nov...
More wildcard dns 设置 related news:
Plesk Wildcard DNS ayarları 11 Apr 2012 | 09:49 am
Plesk Wildcard DNS ayarları Plesk’te Wildcard DNS yapimini anlatmaya calisacagim. Daha cok WordPress MU kurmaya calisacaklar icin lazim olacaktir diye düsünüyorum. Ancak elbette ki bu destegi sadece ...
Wildcard DNS Setup For Kloxo 28 Feb 2011 | 01:48 am
I usually do not tend to write techie stuff due to the type of readers I have on here, but in this case I’m going to make an exception as I tried to do this but couldn’t find any reasonable help on th...
Wildcard domains DNS and local WAMP for website development 15 Feb 2012 | 11:22 am
When developing websites on a local WAMP installation, I often need control over the DNS. It is no problem to add a hostname to the Windows hosts file, but a wildcard in the domain does not work. For...
Octopus and Barracuda - Dual-Core Aegir Installer with 10 ... 19 Feb 2012 | 01:19 pm
A wildcard subdomain seems doomed to fail. You probably need solid DNS to succeed with ... Introducing default SSL Wildcard Nginx Proxy. Works for all …
kaspersky卡巴斯基杀毒对改hosts的行为报木马的解决方法 7 Jan 2013 | 03:49 pm
而我提供的hosts里面有很多都是Google的域名相关的,报警是自然的了... 设置方法: 卡巴—设置—高级设置—威胁和排除—排除 对象设置为C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts 或者%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts 保护组件选所有 几个确定都点一下 就可以了 关键词: hosts hosts DNS...