Most wks related news are at:

Kolejne sparingi juniorów 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Juniorzy Śląska rozegrali ostatnie sparing przed przyszłotygodniowymi obozami. Piłkarze Akademii Piłkarskiej Śląska rozegrali w Strzelinie dwumecz z tamtejszą Strzelinianką (beniaminek DLJ i DLJM) odn...
Lenczyk: Wygrała drużyna mająca więcej szczęścia 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Orest Lenczyk: Przegraliśmy mecz, którego nie musieliśmy przegrać, ale mimo wszystko gratuluję drużynie Widzewa przede wszystkim za ambicje i wykorzystanie atutów i sytuacji bramkowych. Pozwoliłem sob...
More wks related news:
Fousins and Mud Puddles, pics galore! 23 Apr 2010 | 07:53 am
We've had LOTS going on the last couple highlight a couple of the bigger "happenings" I'll start with Jay and I's unforgettable 6 yr anniversary on Saturday! Jay had gone to get Josiah up fr...
Lately... 15 Mar 2010 | 01:34 pm
Our computer died on us a few wks ago and I actually really enjoyed not having one...the only thing I truly missed was being able to check weather and look up directions and phone numbers real quickly...
2 month appt! 22 Aug 2011 | 04:48 pm
Our babies had their 2 month appointment this past Thursday Aug 18th at 9 1/2 wks old. Alec weighed in at 10lbs 4oz and Layla is 9lbs 15oz. Alec is also longer and his head is bigger than Layla. Their...
HI Preview 13 Aug 2011 | 12:43 pm
Back from the 1-wk Hawaii vacation! Insanely busy because school starts Monday, band pictures tonight, and band car wash tomorrow. 3 wks 8-4 band camp just finished, so I am tired! In short, don't b...
My new baby - Canon DSLR EOS1000D 10 Nov 2010 | 04:47 am
Yes! i'm the proud owner of a digital SLR camera. That explains partly why i've bn missing in action for few wks (i miss blogging). i used to take pics wif my nikon digicam, faithfully servin its purp...
The Official UK Top 40 Singles Chart - 15 May 2011 21 May 2011 | 10:38 pm
Pos. Status Prev. Wks Artist Title 1 up 1 2 7 Bruno Mars The Lazy Song 2 down 1 1 8 LMFAO Party Rock Anthem (feat. Lauren Bennett & Goonrock) 3 non-mover 3 2 David Guetta/Flo Rid...
Disgusting Henry 19 Nov 2011 | 01:59 am
New addition to the house for 3 wks, check it....
checklist barang baby 27 Sep 2011 | 05:52 pm
Sekarang saya dah 32 saya dah beli barang2 baby ckit..nie check list nyer..rasa mcm tak cukup lg. 1. Baju - 4 pasang 2. Barut - 5 helai 3. Napkin - 10 helai 4. Lampin pakai buang 5. Beda....
kembali bersiaran setelah lama menyepi dari dunia blog 10 Aug 2011 | 06:16 pm
Salam.. saya kembali bersiaran setelah lama menyepi dari dunia blog.. ada yg rindu ker? hi,hii..mcm la pemes sgt... terkini tentang saya tengah pregnant 25 wks. sudah semakin gemuk... sb tu saya...
20 wks 7 Jul 2011 | 05:29 pm
Bayi anda berukuran lebih kurang 6.5 inci / 16.5 sentimeter dari mercu kepala hingga ke punggung dan terus-menerus menambahkan berat badannya. Satu lapisan bahan yang licik dan putih bergelar verniks ...