Most word play in poetry related news are at:

VPH AGM on May 28th 16 May 2013 | 11:39 pm
From the president of VPH, Lisa Slater: Hello all, This is to announce the Annual General Meeting for Vancouver Poetry House, which will take place at 6pm on Tuesday May 28 at Cafe Deux Soleils. Pleas...
Put Poets on Planes 22 Jan 2013 | 04:56 am
In each of the past four years (2009–12), Vancouver Poetry House has spent between $15,000–$25,000 to send local poets to national and international slam tournaments and to bring the best poets in the...
More word play in poetry related news:
Tugar Tugar 10 May 2012 | 02:18 am
“Tugar Tugar Salir a Buscar el Sentido Perdido” , a workshop by Cecilia Vicuña for the school Escuela G-349 Capilla de Caleu, Chile. “Tugar Tugar” is a word play recalling and transforming the verbs ...
Wordplay - Reinforce Your Meaning 21 Apr 2012 | 01:25 am
Word play is a literary technique. And a form of wit. In which the words. Become the main subject. For intended effect. Or amusement. Look into Puns. Dabble with Phonetic mix-ups such as spoonereism...
Online Conversations: The TGIF Word Play Challenge 28 Feb 2009 | 05:07 am
Last Friday I posted this simple message to my Facebook and Twitter accounts: Bob wants you to give him another meaning for TGIF. Like "Thirsty Goldfish Ingest Fervently." Your turn! I received a LO...
Eat, Pray, Love, Cover Your Ears 24 Aug 2010 | 12:49 am
Don't get me wrong. I loved the book. Okay, I loved it and at times wanted to yell "Over-writing, over-writing!" But Gilbert's freewheeling word play that ran off the rails at times only endeared her ...
Wale has a 'Attention Deficit' 12 Nov 2009 | 11:39 pm
I mentioned Wale way back in June in my blog 'There's a new breed of rappers', which shows you why you need to keep posted on this blog for new music/talent. His astonishing word play and progressive ...
New Copic Sketch Colours, Word Play, and Inspiration 3 Feb 2012 | 09:34 am
Lots of you have been asking for it, Tim Holtz and Sizzix are listening and have now released a new alphabet die set called Word Play. It's an alphabet set for die cutting that is on the Big Xl die si...
The Word-Play of Edward Lear 30 Jan 2011 | 01:17 pm
Today I found a blog post written by Roger Ebert on the anniversary of Edward Lear's death, and it peaked my archetypal interest about this man. I wasn't that familiar with Lear's work, but as I read ...
William Shakespeare on The Art of Love: The Illustrated Edition of the Most Beautiful Love Passages in Shakespeare’s Plays and Poetry 26 Apr 2012 | 06:50 am
Product Description The world may changebut Shakespeare’s words are eternal. No writer has expressed the truth of our human condition with as much eloquence as he, or captured the essence of love qu...
Chilean Word Play 11 Feb 2011 | 10:56 pm
Eileen at Bearshapedsphere once posted on how Chileans soften their swear words, replacing them with words that sound similar. Margaret recently updated her Chilenismos Glossary over at Cachando Chile...
Trash or Treasure? 20 May 2012 | 03:39 am
More environmental poetry in my Word Art style, taken from Spoken Word or Slam Poetry. My hope is to inspire environmental action by sharing my reactions through poetry. Can you find ways to reduce yo...