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Google Map Builder Added 29 Mar 2011 | 06:20 am

Need to build an advanced Google Map outside of WordPress? No problem: Google Map Builder by WPGMappity The map builder is the same interface you are used to in the WordPress plugin, but lives live ...

1and1 Hosting Auto-Upgrade Fix – .htaccess Modifications to Fix WordPress Update Problems 6 Feb 2011 | 09:51 am

I wanted to write this post to help anyone who is using 1and1 hosting services and having problems either updating their WordPress plug-ins or installing WordPress themes to their website. This is a c...

Health Action For Children 10 Aug 2011 | 08:06 pm

Feeding problems in children can be a very big upset to family life. Because of this parents are usually worried about the impact this may have on their children. Its important to state that this diso...

Redirect WordPress Feeds To FeedBurner | Using Action Hook or .htaccess 10 Jan 2012 | 12:04 am

We all know that Google Feedburner is a great tool for Feeds. Many of you have already opened account in Feedburner and added your feeds. I have seen lots of WordPress site using the link of feedburne...

Redirecting the WordPress feeds to feedburner 12 Aug 2011 | 09:39 pm

Most bloggers are using Feedburner,There are many web service that lets you know how many people are reading your blog via feeds. The most commonly used one is Feedburner If you’re using WordPress, y...

RSS-Feed Probleme und eine Notlösung 19 Sep 2009 | 08:47 pm

Bei einigen meiner Blogs nutze ich seit Jahren den Dienst Feedburner, der mittlerweile von Google betrieben wird. Probleme hatte ich bisher nie. Bisher. Kürzlich ist mir aufgefallen, dass mein Feed vo...

Having Breast Feeding Problems 25 Oct 2011 | 09:00 pm

Sore nipples A lot of mothers complain about tender nipples that make breast feeding painful and frustrating. There is good news though, as most mothers don’t suffer that long. The... Read more »

Fixing a WordPress SMTP Problem 9 Aug 2011 | 05:04 am

I have been grappling with using SMTP in WordPress. For a while, it worked fine using an SMTP plug-in. The problem manifested itself by rejecting emails sent from a WordPress blog. In tracing the prob...

Membuat Redirect WordPress Feeds ke FeedBurner tanpa Plugin 27 Sep 2011 | 01:09 am

Jika kita ingin membuat link RSS Feed untuk website/blog kita agar langsung ke FeedBurner bisa dilakukan dengan beberapa cara. Seperti merubah langsung URL Feed yang ada di themes dengan menggunakan e...

Subscribing to Basecamp RSS with Google Reader 25 Jul 2010 | 01:12 am

Objective: Use Google Reader to subscribe to a Basecamp RSS feed. Problem: Google Reader doesn’t support RSS authentication. Solution: Use Yahoo! Pipes to authenticate & deliver the feed to Google. ...

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