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DIY Alternative to WordPress SEO Plugins 22 Aug 2013 | 02:50 am

Most SEO plugins have way too many bells and whistles for my simple needs, so I wrote a little snippet that’s meant as a drop-in, DIY replacement for the big WordPress SEO plugins. If you want a lot o...

New Book! The Tao of WordPress 20 Jun 2013 | 05:40 am

I’m excited to announce the launch of my 3rd book, The Tao of WordPress! Every page of The Tao of WordPress is carefully distilled, refined, and focused on WordPress. I wrote this book for beginners, ...

More wordpress jquery related news:

WordPress + jQuery + Google Maps API 22 Feb 2012 | 08:20 am

Torno ad occuparmi di WordPress su ioProgrammo di marzo. Le funzionalità, l’affidabilità e la solida architettura oramai fanno di WP uno strumento estremamente maturo, ottimo sia per siti di piccole d...

thatwasthen 24 Feb 2012 | 04:06 pm

Designed and developed for thatwasthen. Features include: WordPress jQuery refresh-less viewing. Persistent audio/video player between pages. Live Streaming Electronic Press Kit (EPK)

[Vite vu] 50 liens sur WordPress, jQuery, CSS, design … 17 Oct 2009 | 10:53 pm

La semaine dernière je vous balançais 88 liens utiles, et comme annoncé je récidive cette semaine avec 50 liens ! J'ai aussi tenu compte de vos comentaires et j'ai donc séparé la liste en plusieurs th...

[Vite vu] 88 liens sur WordPress, jQuery, typographie, CSS, webdesign … 11 Oct 2009 | 04:58 am

Je sais que ça fait longtemps que je n'ai pas partagé avec vous mes trouvailles du net, du coup je me rattrape avec cette grosse liste de 88 liens qui parlent principalement de WordPress, jQuery, CSS ...

Justified Image Grid – Premium WordPress Gallery 12 Aug 2012 | 09:52 pm

  This WordPress jQuery plugin aligns your thumbnails into a justified and responsive grid. Flickr and Google+ both featured images like this. This plugin behaves similarly. Let WordPress present your...

アロハネットワーク沖縄 27 Oct 2012 | 04:30 pm

アロハネットワークジャパン 様 ホームページ新規制作XHTML・CMS構築(WordPress)jQuery アロハネットワークジャパン様の沖縄ウェ [...]

静岡漢方療法推進会 静岡ブロック(クラシエ) 31 Oct 2012 | 12:32 pm

静岡漢方療法推進会 静岡ブロック(クラシエ) 様 ホームページ新規制作HTML5・CMS構築(WordPress)jQuery 静岡漢方療法推進会 静岡ブロック(クラ [...]

Mengubah default jQuery script dengan Google Library 6 Mar 2013 | 10:03 am

Kita sering menemukan wordpress theme atau plugin yang menggunakan jQuery script. Di artikel ini, saya mencoba menunjukkan cara untuk mengubah default WordPress jQuery script yang biasanya mengarahkan...

Web ASBCentre 3 May 2013 | 08:59 pm

Proyecto completo de desarrollo web para la escuela de baile de Barcelona asbcentre. Hemos trabajado con Wordpress, jQuery, jQueryUI y LESS.

Real Estate India,Residential Property in India | 16 May 2013 | 10:53 pm

Website: Powered by: Apache PostgreSQL redis PHP MySQL YUI Google maps WordPress jQuery UI jQuery TOOLS jQuery Trac Description: tracks ongoi...

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