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Правильная стратегия изучения языка 25 Apr 2011 | 04:51 am
Стенограмма комментариев Михаила Юрьевича Шестова на тему: «Насколько важны высочайшая мотивация и правильная стратегия при изучении или совершенствовании языка». Вопросы, навеянные мыслями, содержащи...
Что мешает нам выучить иностранный язык и добиться успеха в жизни? 25 Apr 2011 | 03:40 am
Публикуем выдержки из стенограммы последнего очного семинара-урока Михаила Юрьевича Шестова. Давайте смотреть правде в глаза. Чем лучше человек владеет родным и/или иностранным языком (всеми его форма...
More wp-table reloaded deleting rows related news:
WordPress Plugin: WP-Table Reloaded 23 Oct 2009 | 07:51 am
So I wanted to have a table with zebra stripes in a WordPress installation. I found a quick and full-featured plugin that allows the stripes, plus so much more. WP-Table Reloaded will let you import ...
Sweet Plugin: TablePress, the successor to WP-Table Reloaded 9 Feb 2013 | 03:45 am
About two years ago (yeah, really!) I reviewed the WP-Table Reloaded WordPress plugin on our show The Sweet Plugin. After a rebranding and reworking of the code, WP-Table Reloaded is now TablePress. T...
ソートや検索ができるテーブルを挿入できるWordPressプラグイン「WP-Table Reloaded」 18 Aug 2013 | 05:23 am
企業サイトであれば、WordPressでテーブルを使ったコンテンツはまだまだ利用する機会が多いと思いますが、ソートや検索ができる高機能なテーブルを記事に挿入できる「WP-Table Reloaded」プラグインが便利そう …
Batch Delete Performance SQL Server 18 Jun 2010 | 05:38 am
Deleting old records from a table with > 3 000 00 rows. What’s the best way to do this? It seems the fastest way to do this is simply to: delete from [table] where creation_timestamp < dateadd (mm, ...
IE8 has a right table border problem on JavaScript-inserted cells 13 Nov 2010 | 09:24 pm
If you use collapsed table borders on with IE8 and insert or delete cells in the table with JavaScript, the right border will be missing. For example, when you insert a row in a table this CSS ... .....
SQL SERVER – How to work with Row Constructors , inserted and deleted tables and Handle Result Set 29 Jun 2011 | 04:47 pm
There are many ways to track changes made to the table in SQL Server one of the method is to use inserted and deleted tables and get the result set and use in code appropriately. Step 1: Creating Tab...
The row value(s) updated or deleted either do not make the row unique or they alter multiple rows. 30 Aug 2010 | 06:55 pm
I had a user ask me today how they can delete a duplicate row from their database table. They were receiving the following error message when they tried to delete the duplicate row. The row value(s) ...
MySQL Hacks: Preventing deletion of specific rows 22 Oct 2011 | 01:00 am
Recently, someone emailed me: I have a requirement in MYSQL as follows: we have a table EMP and we have to restrict the users not delete employees with DEPT_ID = 10. If user executes a DELETE statemen...
MySQL tutorial Dropping tables 25 Jan 2012 | 05:57 pm
Dropping tables To remove all entries from the table we can issue the DELETE statement without any conditions. DELETE from employee_data; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) However, this does not de...
IE8 has a right table border problem on JavaScript-inserted cells 13 Nov 2010 | 04:24 pm
If you use collapsed table borders on with IE8 and insert or delete cells in the table with JavaScript, the right border will be missing. For example, when you insert a row in a table this CSS ... .....