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WPzoom : Discovery 29 Mar 2012 | 08:48 pm

Discovery is a very well structured WordPress theme that can be used for any type of content. Developed with business in mind, this theme is versatile enough to be easily adapted and customized. Them...

WpZoom – Manifesto v1.4.3 – WordPress Magazine Theme (No RIP) 8 May 2012 | 10:29 pm

WpZoom – Manifesto v1.4.3 – WordPress Magazine Theme (No RIP) Manifesto is an excellent WordPress magazine theme with a very flexible layout and many great features, mostly intended for content-rich ...

WPZOOM Framework Theme Options 3 May 2012 | 08:19 pm

WPZOOM Theme Options This was submitted by Pavel Ciorici, founder of WPZOOM, which by the way have a free theme called Meeta. Quite a lot of options, including ones I never want to see in a WordPress...

Magazinum WordPress Theme by WPZoom 17 Mar 2012 | 12:00 pm

The Magazinum theme is designed for online news magazines. To that end, it has several features that will be important to those who operate such sites, as well as design considerations that make it...

Премиум тема onPlay от WpZOOM ринопластика носа 16 Mar 2012 | 04:56 am

Кто сказал, что WordPress является лишь блоговым движком и создание корпоративных, серьезных проектов на нем попросту невозможно? Это все стереотипы, которые не обоснованы фактом. В любом случае, дове...

WPZOOM Acquires ProudThemes 22 Jul 2011 | 12:05 am

Today we are happy to announce the acquisition of by WPZOOM. ProudThemes was launched over a year ago, but hasn’t been able to fully keep up with the busy market that the WordPress com...

WPzoom – Magazinum wordpress theme 6 May 2011 | 06:08 pm

Magazinum is a stylish theme with an innovative design which is perfect for magazine websites of any topics, like: fashion, celebrities, movies and entertainment. FEATURES : WPZOOM Options Panel Cu...

Weihnachtsspecial: 50% Rabatt auf alle WPZOOM Premium WordPress Themes 22 Dec 2011 | 01:42 am

Weihnachten steht unmittelbar bevor, und Weihnachten bedeutet auch Geschenke. Zur Zeit gibt es auch Geschenke von WordPress Premium Themes Anbieter. Vor ein paar Tagen habe ich bereits über Weihnachts...

Free download Zenko Wp-zoom wordpress premium theme 2 Aug 2011 | 11:33 pm

Number of Downloads : 3085 Zenko Wp-zoom wordpress premium theme Zenko Magazine is a stylish and colorful theme created by WPZoom and intended for those who want to launch a magazine or blog! Flexib...

Meeta WordPress Tema 6 May 2012 | 04:27 am

Tweet WPZOOM släppte för ett tag sedan ett nytt snyggt gratis WordPress Tema  - Meeta, som passar perfekt som ett bloggtema. Med temat kan man fokusera på sitt innehåll med en och annan bild. Temat ...

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