Most xiii related news are at:

This Isn’t the Article I Wanted to Write About Tomb Raider 22 Mar 2013 | 01:48 am
This isn’t the article I wanted to write about Tomb Raider. In fact, I had an article that was a lot more poetic; there were lines about agency, the environment becoming a character, and how Tomb Raid...
This Isn’t the Article I Wanted to Write About Tomb Raider 22 Mar 2013 | 01:48 am
This isn’t the article I wanted to write about Tomb Raider. In fact, I had an article that was a lot more poetic; there were lines about agency, the environment becoming a character, and how Tomb Raid...
More xiii related news:
ACARAÚ: Lions Clube ganha ambulância do Governo do Estado 27 Apr 2012 | 09:00 pm
Teunas Ramos, Pres. do Lions Clube de Acaraú recebendo a ambulância das mãos do prefeito Veveu Arruda de Sobral O Lions Clube de Acaraú, participou da XIII Convenção do Distrital LA 4, realizada no ...
Final Fantasy XIII Collectable Figures - TGS 2009 28 Sep 2009 | 08:24 am
What would we do with out these sweet collectable cans to go with our even cooler collectable figures? Not have a good time that's for damn sure. Among the various toys and collectables I thought thes...
Final Fantasy XIII Collectors Edition Playstation 3 28 Sep 2009 | 04:04 am
Sony is releasing a new Playstation 3 console with Final Fantasy 13 character Lightning on the console. This is the new Slim model, the console itself is white and the graphic covers most of the entir...
Final Fantasy XIII E3 2009 Trailer... The Voice acting is so Righteous 3 Jun 2009 | 09:54 am
" ... Watch this NOW. The voice acting is so good, the back story seems kind of compelling, reminds me of Final Fantasy VII where the characters are complete outcast and no one wants there help but t...
Final Fantasy XIV Finally announced... wait what? 3 Jun 2009 | 08:56 am
Maybe I am the only one that thinks this is insane? Why is Square announcing another Final Fantasy title when they still haven't come out with any of the array of XIII titles? Square wonders why the t...
Final Fantasy XIII On Track for 2009 Release in Japan 3 Jun 2009 | 08:31 am
I admit that this isn't huge news, but I bet a lot of you are happy to hear that despite the lack of timetables that Square has provided; the game is still set to be released this year. Whether or not...
Useful Japanese for Video Games 22 Dec 2011 | 10:21 am
I picked these out of Final Fantasy XIII-2: 戯れる 「たわむれる」 To mess with/to be playful 最適 「さいてき」 Best / optimal / most suitable 名残 「なごり」 Remains / Traces / Vestiges 快適 「かいてき」 ...
Final Fantays XIII-2 Import: First Impressions 22 Dec 2011 | 10:02 am
In December 2009 I imported Final Fantasy XIII before it came out in the USA. I could just barely handle the level of Japanese, but I managed with a great deal of determination. 2 years later I import...
HTP Party Vol. XIII 21 Feb 2011 | 12:32 pm
A je to tady! Ze zapadlého ghetta přímo do centra města!
Expomariage Bucuresti 2012 – editia a XIII-a 6 Jan 2012 | 08:24 am
Cea de-a XIII-a editie a Expomariage Bucuresti isi deschide portile in 13 ianuarie, incepand cu orele 13:00 si ramane deschis pana duminica 15 ianuarie, la orele 18:00. Locul de desfasurare este deja...