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Final Closeouts (UK ONLY) 25 May 2012 | 01:09 am

Huge Savings on New Mats and Equipment Following this announcement about closure of our UK based equipment store we are pleased to be able to offer to our UK visitors some amazing deals whilst stocks ...

Don’t pay too much for your website 13 May 2012 | 01:27 am

“We have been online since 1999 and are now pleased to be able to offer the same high levels of expertise and care to all website owners and administrators within the yoga community.” – Mat Witts, Co-...

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Yoga Wiki über Schamanismus – Im Schaman 1 Feb 2013 | 05:36 am

Yoga Wiki über Schamanismus – Im Schamanismus dient der Schamane als Vermittler zwischen der menschlichen und der Geisterwelt. Man sagt, Schamanen können durch ihre Behandlung Krankheiten und Beschwer...

Mahavidyas – Yogawiki 13 Jul 2013 | 11:32 am

Mahavidyas - das sind die Weisheitsgöttinnen im Hinduismus bzw. im Tantra. Darüber findest du einen umrfangreichen Artikel im Yoga Wiki. Lass dich inspirieren - von der Weisheit der Mahavidyas

Joga – was ist das überhaupt 15 Jul 2013 | 10:01 am

Was ist eigentlich Joga? Ist das das Gleiche wie Yoga? Oder gibt es da Unterschiede. Finde das heraus im Yoga Wiki, Stichwort Joga. Du bekommst so viele Infos rund um Joga, zum Thema Joga, Jogastunden...

Blog-Beitrag von Sukadev 18 Jul 2013 | 09:54 pm

Blog-Beitrag von Sukadev Yoga Wiki über Stress Jeder kennt Stress, aber kaum jemand kennt die Hintergründe, welche Faktoren dabei eine Rolle spielen und welche Auswirkungen sie auf den menschlichen ...

Holistic Health Resources 18 Jan 2012 | 02:58 am

NaturalCounselor A regularly updated resource of holistic health information concerning the development of the intuitive faculties including nutrition, health issues, yoga, astrology, book reviews, s...

Yoga Benefits 25 Nov 2008 | 09:16 pm

Yoga is the perfect right for body and mind. There are lots of yoga asanas that slow down the aging process. Yoga provides elasticity to spine, firm up the skin, remove tension from body, correct the ...

SurveySweeps 22 Feb 2012 | 09:50 pm

Wiki Content: false,false,1 Page Layout: WD Left Navigation.aspx Page Title: Survey Sweeps

The Mind – Body – Spirit Connection to Good Health Through Yoga 1 May 2012 | 09:17 pm

Since it’s inception 5000 years ago, Yoga has offered ways to integrate your physical, spiritual and mental being into one healthy unit. For any concept to last that many years it has to have value an...

Use online health tips to know natural home remedies and benefits of Baba Ramdev yoga 9 Dec 2011 | 10:48 am

Article by Ankit Pandey Try you hold the belief that popping pills serve to get the best answer which will pact with various health-related concerns? In that case, it’s years to think then again. Do ...

Wiki for Geany! 20 Jan 2012 | 10:34 am

We set up a wiki for additional documentation and resources related to Geany at Anyone can contribute to the wiki simply by registering and then logging in. In the wiki you can...

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