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推荐给mac新人的常用软件: 28 Jul 2013 | 10:24 pm
1,社交工具:QQ,阿里旺旺,人人,weilark(微博第三方软件),msn. 2,浏览器:safari,chrome,傲游浏览器,firefox,QQ浏览器. 3,文字处理:iworks,office for mac. 4,股票:同花顺,盈透证券(IB) 5,影音:PPTV,PPS,爱奇艺,QQ音乐,快播,豆瓣FM,CNTV 5+,MplayerX,土豆. 6,清理工具:cleanmy...
一个中国大龄“剩女”告诉你她不愿结婚的原因(视频) 4 Jul 2013 | 03:24 am
中国网络流行原创:大龄文艺女青年之歌 我也是一个大龄剩女,慢慢步向30了,但是我却不想嫁,是这辈子都不会嫁。 因为我觉得婚姻对于中国女人来说根本没有什么益处。听我分析: 1.你觉得自己是正室,小三来了就可以甩她耳光,趾高气扬。但是男人的心你栓得住吗?这个正室之位,今天可以给你,明天就可以给她。这个世界没有离不了的婚。 结论:小红本保卫不了你的婚姻,更拴不住他的心。 2.中国婚姻法不保护女...
More youtube japan tsunami 2011 related news:
VIDEO JAPAN TSUNAMI 2011 26 Mar 2011 | 08:15 pm
Fund Rising For “Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011″ 21 Mar 2011 | 03:54 am
To All the Contributors, Our goal of 1,500 donations for Japan had just achieved. Thank you for all of your generous donations. Over the last three days, we had managed to help rising more than $20,0...
Fund Rising For “Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011″ 18 Mar 2011 | 08:43 pm
Our hearts go out to the people of Japan and the other survivors of the earthquake and tsunami. Right now, there are still many unknowns and the best way to help would be a donation to Red Cross. The ...
Japan Tsunami and Earthquake 11-March-2011 12 Mar 2011 | 03:02 pm
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Japan tsunami and earthquake 2011 pictures 14 Mar 2011 | 12:11 am
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Pictures: 8.9-Magnitude Earthquake & Tsunami Hits Japan (March 2011) 12 Mar 2011 | 06:41 am
As you have already heard, a super massive earthquake hit earlier today about 60 miles off the coast of Japan. You can find news updates at the usual news sites, but here are some picture galleries fr...
Make a level to help Hurricane Sandy victims 14 Nov 2012 | 05:34 am
Okay since last year Media Molecule helped victims for the tsunami victims in Japan (March 2011) But Hurricane victims in New York and New Jersey need help from the Hurricane like food or shelters Wha...
Make a level to help Hurricane Sandy victims 14 Nov 2012 | 05:33 am
Okay since last year Media Molecule helped victims for the tsunami victims in Japan (March 2011) But Hurricane victims in New York and New Jersey need help from the Hurricane like food or shelters Wha...
Power to the Online People 14 Dec 2012 | 08:34 pm
Where were you when news of the tsunami hit Japan in 2011? How about when Michael Jackson died? Probably online, according to many experts who claim that social media has become the main media source ...
Hinode scientists' stellar effort keeps sun mission 'burning bright' - Phys.Org 14 Aug 2012 | 12:20 pm
Hinode scientists' stellar effort keeps sun mission 'burning bright'Phys.OrgWhilst the most powerful earthquake since records began hit Japan in 2011, triggering a massive tsunami which devastated muc...