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SAMPLING SIZE --- Part 15 27 Jan 2008 | 08:34 pm

Sample size for a given population size. (Read Krejcie and Morgan (1970), ‘Determining sample size for research activities’, Educational and Psychological Measurement, 30, 607-10; and Cohen (1969), ‘S...

NEED ANALYSIS ........... Part 14 23 Nov 2007 | 08:24 pm

DEFINITIONS: Every research undertaking will foremost begin with the need to clearly understand what exactly is the cause of the pressing problem or pressing issue and exactly who is affected. Need a...

CHOICE OF METHODS ......... Part 13 22 Nov 2007 | 04:30 am

Choice of research methods to be used is very much determined by how much information you know about the subject at hand. Little information or--------------------------------------------------------...

STILL KICKING STRONG towards 2008..................... I HOPE! 21 Nov 2007 | 09:50 pm

It is very rewarding to note that this blog is still being referred to by my postgraduate students since my last posting in 2006. Do not hesitate to post comments, enquiries or request for more info r...

RESEARCH METHODS ............Part 12 22 Aug 2006 | 03:10 am

Again and again I've haunted by my students seeking for approval on which method to use in their research proposal. There is no one right answer to this, because it depends very much on your research ...

WHERE'S THE DIFFERENCE??? ... PART 11 4 Mar 2005 | 03:35 pm

HOW IS A POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH DIFFERENT FROM A DOCTORAL RESEARCH? A frequently-asked-question (FAQ) that students bug me all the time. In short, it is a continuation of knowledge enquiry, the first ...

COLLECTING THE DATA .... Part 10 4 Mar 2005 | 03:31 pm

DATA COLLECTION: Just remember this: no research is considered a research if it is NOT DOCUMENTED on paper. No matter how much books, journals or research papers you have read, or the countless numb...

The junction..... PART 9 1 Oct 2004 | 01:54 pm

AT THE CROSSROAD, WHERE TO TURN? So sorry if it appears to be seen as one-sided, very much in favour towards the quantitative approach so far..... that was not done on purpose. It is also equally imp...

A new chapter....... PART 8 28 Sep 2004 | 02:07 am

..... AND THE SWEATS BEGINS. Now that the daunting and nerve-wrecking proposal defense session is over and through, this does not mean that you can already start resting on your laurel. On the contra...

Defending your mission ..... Part 7 13 Sep 2004 | 02:40 pm

Preparing for a solid line of defense Your Research Proposal Defense Session at the end of the first semester will be the determinant factor to your Master's Degree Research initiative at the Univers...

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