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G-8 Sia-Sia 20 Jun 2013 | 09:15 am

G-8 Sia-Sia - Menkeu Inggris George Osborne kepada Radio 4 BBC mengatakan, langkah riil masih harus dibuat terkait komunike bersama delapan kepala negara maju tersebut. Namun, situs majalah Time, edis...

Kinerja Parpol dan Elite 18 Jun 2013 | 09:33 am

Selain buruknya kinerja parpol dan elite politik, termasuk calon kepala daerah, lanjut Rudi, penyebab lain berkembangnya konflik dalam pilkada adalah perekrutan kader tanpa kaderisasi sistemik. Bahkan...

Teka-teki Nasib Bumi 18 Jun 2013 | 09:31 am

Teka-teki Nasib Bumi Terumbu karang juga peka terhadap perubahan suhu. Tempat pemijahan berbagai jenis ikan ini bakal mati akibat kenaikan suhu air laut sehingga terjadi coral bleaching karena terumbu...

Bow Braid with Curls for a Recital... 30 May 2012 | 04:55 am

Is there anyone who doesn't want to try this braid??  Like so many of you I'm sure, the moment I saw it, I knew I HAD to try it.  I'm speaking, of course, about the famous "bow braid."  All I needed w...

Iverson-ish... 25 May 2012 | 06:51 am

Ok guys, so I've been seeing "Iverson" type braids all over the blogs, all over facebook... I love how they look and I thought I'd give it a shot (no pun intended).  NBA ball player Allen Iverson has ...

Easily Transition from Style to Style 19 May 2012 | 07:25 am

As you may recall, Goldilocks and I are particpating in the Protective Style Challenge that's being hosted by Beads, Braids and Beyond.  The first style that we did was a quickie style that we complet...

Protective Style Challenge- This is not a drill... 13 May 2012 | 03:33 am

Well, Goldilocks and I have decided to actually "join" a protective style challenge.  We're participating (for real this time) in a challenge being held by Beads, Braids, and Beyond and sponsored by B...

Braid Takedown Bomb-ness 8 May 2012 | 11:50 am

Yep, I said bomb-ness.  Because it is.  Remember this post where I showed you all of my little methods for taking down Goldilocks' mini-braids.  "Oh comb through 'em, twirl 'em, poke 'em..." I said.  ...

Wordless Wednesday- Summertime 3 May 2012 | 06:42 am

Love this pic of my three babies.  One day I'm gonna have it made into a canvas...

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