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My. Huge. Brain. 22 Jul 2011 | 03:24 am

I watched TWO documentaries last night. In a triumphant effort to expand my mind. It's huge now. My brain. That is. Back to the documentaries. "Super Skinny Me" and "Super Slim Me." Both found on You...

Morals 19 Jul 2011 | 02:25 pm

And Whatnot. Stories are supposed to have a moral. Examples. Little Red Riding Hood: If your Grandma looks like a wolf, she is a wolf. Jack and Jill: When walking, always wear a helmet. Always. 3 Lit...

Crucifixion? 14 Jul 2011 | 11:40 am

Ah, no. Freedom for me. We quit. But before you pull out the hammer and nails, hear me out. We started the cleanse to feel good. Day 1, fine. Day 2, good. Day 3, fine. Day 4, shit*. Day 5, shit**.I g...

Thud. Thud. 13 Jul 2011 | 08:28 am

That, my friends, is the sound of us hitting the wall. I hit first. Being the trendsetter that I am. John followed shortly thereafter. Most would chalk that up to us being on the same diet. I believe...

Somebody Get Me Some French Toast. 10 Jul 2011 | 12:25 pm

Pronto. I don't know why I can't get French Toast of of my head. But there it is. Taunting me. Little fucker. End of day one. Honestly, not as hungry as I'd imagined. Read: I haven't eaten the dogs....

Juice Fast? 9 Jul 2011 | 01:02 pm

Sure. I want to start off by saying, this is all John's fault idea. We watched a documentary the other day Fat, Sick and Almost Dead which got him us thinking about juice fasting. In the film, the pu...

Round 3 28 Mar 2011 | 11:16 am

Hello friends. It's been a while. But I'm back. With a vengeance. So here we go. Gloves are on. Figuratively speaking. I have the heat cranked. There's really no need for gloves. Round 3 is about to....

Day 7 21 Feb 2011 | 09:28 am

Getting My Data Fix. Here's progress on the goals I made last week. 4L of water: I had 3 most days, think I had 4 twice. 1hr training: Su:1hr, M:2hrs, T:0hrs, W:1hr, Th:1hr, F:3hrs, S:1hr. Track calo...

Day 4 18 Feb 2011 | 10:21 am

Some things. Some things I am VERY excited about. My Vibrams. My new kettlebell. Some things I am also excited about. The weather warming up to 8ºC. Yoga tonight. Soccer tomorrow. Soccer Saturday...

Day 1 15 Feb 2011 | 11:18 am

Here I Go Again. Let me catch you up. Last week sucked. Mood sucked, weight loss sucked. The end. BUT. This week is going to be awesome. I've decided. So, I'm going to give you a quick run-down of ...

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