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Trepidation 16 Mar 2013 | 04:40 pm

For it has been reported to me by Chloe’s people that there are quarrels among you, my brothers and sisters.What I mean is that each of you says, “I belong to Paul,” or “I belong to Apollos,” or “I be...

Magnificent 12 Jan 2013 | 10:05 pm

He has done valiantly with the strength of his arm, driving the proud astray in the conceit of their hearts; He has put down the mighty from their seat, and exalted the lowly There is something rathe...

A Priest Forever 21 Dec 2012 | 11:30 am

My priest friend is making a slow but steady recovery from his major surgery. He told me about an event that moved him today. The nun who has been bringing him Holy Communion each day (I know, I know...

Liturgy in Glasgow - about to change? 20 Dec 2012 | 11:30 am

There are liturgical rumblings in the Archdiocese of Glasgow I hear that the new Archbishop, ++Philip, has been challenged at a recent seminar, in the most filial way, by one of impeccable loyalty an...

Thomist rice 20 Dec 2012 | 04:37 am

Spotted in a deli in the West End of Glasgow. Angelic rice. Who knew?

A Small Sign 13 Dec 2012 | 05:07 am

Spotted walking up Cathedral St in Glasgow today -  a Dominican in full habit. As Richard Collins points out, this is remarkable.

A dear priest friend 9 Dec 2012 | 07:09 pm

I would ask your prayers for the priest who married Mrs P and me and who baptised our boys. He is currently in hospital having had major surgery this week for a very large but probably curable tumour....

Question 7 Dec 2012 | 11:30 am

Would it be licit to celebrate the Office and the sacraments, including Holy Mass, in the vernacular in the EF?

Better news 7 Dec 2012 | 04:48 am

My son is now halfway through his treatment.  I am in awe of my youngest's fortitude and resilience. He has tolerated no food but 2L of sickly gloop a day (it looks and tastes like formula milk or Car...

Dave Brubeck RIP 6 Dec 2012 | 01:35 am

The jazz musician Dave Brubeck has died. While remembered by most, I guess, for 'Take Five' (a track I still love) he was led to be received into the Church after producing a range of religious works ...

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