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Happy Birthday Gal 20 Aug 2013 | 11:47 am

My gal 20th birthday today  given me most labour pain but will cook porridge for me when not feeling well, surprised me on Mother's day with special beauty soup (once only >< ~ that's why sometime I d...

Incredible or impossible? 20 Aug 2013 | 11:46 am

Before it is Incredible, it was impossible! Happy Bee 。一点

Moving In 20 Aug 2013 | 11:39 am

Parents moving in with me, finally shifted everything after few days of walking up and down between floors. The stairs climbing with boxes, bags and furnitures were not tough at all, the scariest part...

萤幕世界 20 Aug 2013 | 11:38 am

爸爸在房里写着部落客,我在房里面子书,妈妈在电视机前很不给脸的玩着ipad游戏, 可怜的电视节目, 完完全全被冷落, 我们都太忙着看面前的萤幕。现在我走出去关掉,不知会被人发觉bo. Happy Bee 。一点

Super Deal! 20 Aug 2013 | 11:35 am

Aww.. was stopping by Popular Book Store大众书局 for few folders but ended up bought 11 book, because RM99.90, RM84.90 books selling at RM20 only!!! Happy happy happY ^^ I thought I missed out book fair t...

唸唸唸 20 Aug 2013 | 11:31 am

”哇!妈,牛奶喝得很快哦, 甜啊,少喝啦。。。” ”文啊,那牛黄片你没有吃啊?一天两次”,”有,有吃”,”有吗?看,一瓶还有的,难怪还咳不好”,”有,我有…” ”爸,这样夜还喝 teh tarik, 不好啦,很甜啊” ”哇!文啊,你又买这些吃的,冰柜那些巧克力和一大堆都没吃完。” ”妈…夜了,还玩!唷,坐着两个小时低着玩不累的吗,不要玩了,去睡。” 自从爸妈搬进家来,我们三个近乎每天玩”唸唸唸”...

My Parents 20 Aug 2013 | 11:30 am

I am grateful that I have my very supportive parents and also my role models. Other then my ba disallowed me to any night out or party and ma put me on my knee for didn't do my house chores at teenage...

So Near Yet So Far 20 Aug 2013 | 11:19 am

This generation is the most connected generation comparing to generations on the past decades, connecting easily globally and borderless but also a generation that lost connection to themselves right ...

小小选民的心声 22 Apr 2013 | 06:15 pm

看着最激烈的马来西亚第十三届大选的开始,心情点滴。。。 有一个人想努力改变, 有一个人却努力花费, 有一些人真配合改变, 有一撮人吞钱撑破喉, 有一群人看到吞不到, 有一个人牛也拉会家, 有一个人酒店就是家, 有一个人后庭等宝座, 有一个人高调搞错误, 有一撮人草裙舞狂跳, 有一些人忍下一口气, 有一撮人搞乱全美梦, 有一些人无知瞎跟风, 有一些人失礼义廉耻, 有一群人口水花狂喷, 有一撮人...

小小选民的心声 22 Apr 2013 | 06:15 pm

看着最激烈的马来西亚第十三届大选的开始,心情点滴。。。 有一个人想努力改变, 有一个人却努力花费, 有一些人真配合改变, 有一撮人吞钱撑破喉, 有一群人看到吞不到, 有一个人牛也拉会家, 有一个人酒店就是家, 有一个人后庭等宝座, 有一个人高调搞错误, 有一撮人草裙舞狂跳, 有一些人忍下一口气, 有一撮人搞乱全美梦, 有一些人无知瞎跟风, 有一些人失礼义廉耻, 有一群人口水花狂喷, 有一撮人...

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