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Circumcised banana 30 Oct 2009 | 11:06 pm

Circumcised banana is very unnatural unless you get used to it. And what do you think will happen to the exposed part after its natural protective covering is removed?

What is circumcision? 21 Dec 2007 | 01:59 am

What is circumcision? Surgical amputation of the foreskin, frenulum and about one-third to one-half of the skin of the penis. What?? Half of the skin from the penis? Approximately 15 square inches,...

Navelgazing Midwife: Uncircumcised Bat 16 Oct 2007 | 11:52 pm

Navelgazing Midwife: Uncircumcised Bat

"Deciding Whether or Not to Circumcise Your Baby Boy" 21 Jul 2007 | 11:21 pm

Ask Dr. Sears Circumcision is a decision that many parents face. There are many misconceptions and out-of-date information that parents may read. Here is a summary of the pertinent issues that you sh...

Gimme Some Skin 15 Jul 2007 | 01:23 pm

Try this exercise: Find a 3x5 index card. One side, 15 square inches, equals the average surface area of a man's foreskin — about half of the total surface area of his penis. Now fold the card in hal...

Did you know that . . . ? 28 Jun 2007 | 04:06 am

Did you know - that most men in the world and the great majority of men in Europe, Scandinavia, Central and South America or Asia are not circumcised? that "medical" infant circumcision was introduc...

Circumstitions 25 May 2007 | 03:29 am

Circumstitions [Inquirer, 23/5/02] M. L. Tan "Routine male circumcision is NOT necessary!" The capital letters and the exclamation point are in the original statement, a letter from Dr. Reynaldo Jo...

A CIRCUMCISION 20 May 2007 | 04:33 am

A CIRCUMCISION by Rio Cruz [1] I never saw anything wrong with it either until I witnessed my own son being circumcised. The doctor assured me it was a simple little snip of extra skin that had no f...

Ritual and Medical Circumcision among Filipino boys 19 May 2007 | 02:44 am

TITLE: Ritual and Medical Circumcision among Filipino boys: Evidence of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder AUTHOR(S): Samuel Ramos Gregory J. Boyle, Bond University DOCUMENT TYPE: Book Chapter Pre-prin...

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Filipinos, philippines supot circ, filipina bananna, filipeanos

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