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CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/26/13 26 Aug 2013 | 07:07 pm

CrossFit Brand X Ramona WOD Press 3 x 8 1 second concentric/5 second eccentric/ 3 second hold at top 5 explosive push ups at the end of each round Followed by: 3 rounds Hill Run Max Chest 2 Ba...

CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/23/13 23 Aug 2013 | 07:46 pm

CrossFit Brand X Ramona WOD OHS 3 or 5 Followed by: 3 rds Hill run 30 OHS 95/65 Then: Max double unders in 3:00 1 max set of perfect push ups

CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/22/13 22 Aug 2013 | 07:31 pm

"Partner Carry" CrossFit Brand X Ramona WOD EMOM Strict pull ups Followed by: “Mary Lou Faulkwetter” Run 1 mile Max burpees in 2:00 to 6” target Max DB thruster in 2:00 at 1/2 bdy wt Then: 3...

CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/21/13 21 Aug 2013 | 07:12 pm

CrossFit Brand X Ramona WOD 1 high rep set of deadlifts Followed by: AMRAP in 12 3 Muscle ups 6 HPS, 165 9 Wall Balls Then: 3x 15 Toes to bar 1 max broad jump Congratulations to Connor and ...

CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/20/13 20 Aug 2013 | 07:23 pm

CrossFit Brand X Ramona WOD EMOM Push ups Toes to bar Followed by: AMRAP 3:00 Row 2:00 Box Jumps 1:00 Burpees 2:00 rest btwn rds Then: 100 Sit ups

crossFit Brand X Ramona 8/19/13 19 Aug 2013 | 06:38 pm

CrossFit Brand X Ramona WOD Squat 3 or 5 Followed by: 3 rds Hill sprint 6 Front squats, 185 12 Burpees Then: 3x 10 Bulgarian squats max L sit

CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/17/13 17 Aug 2013 | 09:49 pm

CrossFit Brand X Ramona WOD Power Clean Tekkers Followed by: 8:00 AMRAP 5 Power Cleans 200 M run

CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/16/13 16 Aug 2013 | 06:45 pm

CrossFit Brand X Ramona WOD 3 rds Hill sprint 20 Pull ups 30 Ring push ups Followed by: 3x 100 M Farmers walk (walk please not run) Max hang on bar 10 perfect squats

CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/15/13 15 Aug 2013 | 07:12 pm

CrossFt Brand X Ramona WOD EMOM (3 to 5 rep) Power Snatch Followed by: “SQT” Then: Walking lunges Sit ups

CrossFit Brand X Ramona 8/14/13 14 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm

EMOM Strict pull ups DB Press Followed by: “Annie” Then: 2x 2:00 Plank Max toes to bar

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brand x, crossfit brand x, BrandX, neckjerk, site de rencontre, mobility wod, keegan martin, crossfit films, scaled crossfit wods, squat muscle ups crossfit

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