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Und doch gehts los— 29 Mar 2013 | 03:36 am

—Auch wenn der Fruehling dieses Jahr lange auf sich warten laesst… Der aktuelle Stand sieht so aus, das wir jetzt 5 Pferde, 5 grosse Menschen und ein kleiner, 5 Hunde, ein famoser Hahn und ein Huhn mi...

so we are coming together–Springtime, Jippie.. 25 Jan 2013 | 04:15 am

Well, really quickly, an information for all .. Even though I now pass on information on email, I’ll tell you now all those who are not yet in a mailing list, what’s new .. There are now about 35 peop...

Streettheatre- journey with the horses from portugal to the pirinees- Project 2013 21 Sep 2012 | 06:34 pm

To all the streetperformancers, musicians, acrobats, jugglers y whoever feels interested Who wants to travel next spring 2013 with horses from portugal to the pirinees, along the atlantic cost, makin...

TARREGA 2012 14 Sep 2012 | 12:24 am

Here are some moments from the street-theater-festival in tarrega–and some pictures from the pixies who found some new friends.. thanx to all of you to share your time and attention with us.there are ...

Boom!! 14 Aug 2012 | 07:07 am

Boom 2012!! We ve been on the Boom festival in the sacred fire with a new puppet theatre. Gallumbo, my special friend was also like always the big boom on my head and there is a picture of him forshur...

Law of attraction 4 Jul 2012 | 05:23 am

Believe it or not; The place, from which we dreamt of,found us!!! The last weeks have been really hard for me, because it was getting difficult again to find food for the horses on the little terass...

Urgendly.. 6 Jun 2012 | 12:54 am

My english is not perfect, but i just gonna write down , how i know it, so  i am very pleased for your understanding. If i would ask english speaking friends, it would take ages for me to put it on th...

Puppets for sale 5 Jun 2012 | 07:33 pm

We are looking for poeple, who need us, to express for them, what needs to be expressed and to let us bring love in this world

2012 23 Apr 2012 | 05:57 am

So, da sind wir wieder.. es ist viel passiert in knapp einem Jahr und ich fuehle mich bereit, mal wieder etwas Neues hoeren zu lassen von uns. Im November letzten Jahres ist Ayrin geboren. Ein wunde...

Portugal 22 Oct 2011 | 04:59 am

Alles neu, macht der Mai.. nur schnell, um mal wieder was von uns hoeren zu lassen.. Seit Februar ist das erste Djimbalomenschenkind auf seinem Weg die Welt zu erkunden, was zur Folge hatte, das wir...

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