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Beginner to Beginner Queen Rearing 7 Nov 2011 | 04:30 pm

You can learn to produce your own queens using this small, but scalable system. I’m a beginner.  This has been my second year raising queens – my third year keeping honey bees.  So  I am in no way pr...

How to build strong bee hives for honey production – Ed Holcombe 14 Jul 2010 | 01:50 pm

How to build strong bee hives for honey production – Ed Holcombe This is from the notes I took at an excellent session at the Heartland Apiary Society gathering in Cookeville, TN July 8-10, 2010.  I’...

Starting Seeds Indoors Under Lights 8 Feb 2010 | 04:15 pm

Seedlings growing under lights I started some seeds today in my “plant work room” and I thought you might be interested.  I start seeds in regular plastic nursery trays that I get from a local greenh...

Honey Bee Queen Rearing 5 Feb 2010 | 02:57 am

This post is probably not going to be very interesting unless you keep honey bees – Or want to become a bee keeper.  Sorry about that, but there will be more gardening content coming soon. Queen Bees...

The Ultimate When to Plant Guide 2 Feb 2010 | 07:53 am

Pay attention.  This may be the most valuable tidbit of gardening wisdom anyone ever hands you. Of course it also might not be. When to plant – every seed packet you pick up has a little map on the b...

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how to build a greenhouse, diy greenhouse, hoop house plans, building a greenhouse, build a greenhouse, how to make a greenhouse, doorgarden, how to build a greenhouse cheap, waterbed warmer seeds, the garden door

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