Henegamacc - henegamacc.org - Henegama Central College

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හේනේගම මධ්ය විද්යාලයේ විදේශගත ආදි සිසු එකමුතුව 25 Sep 2011 | 12:48 am
විදු මව් තුරුලින් පමණක් නොව ලක් මව් තුරුලින්ද දුරස්ව කල් ගෙවන හේනේගම මධ්ය මහා විද්යාලයේ සොයුරු සොයුරියනි . මෙතක් අප ආ ජීවන ගමන් මගේ මුලකුරු අපට කියා දුන් අප මිනිසුන් කළ ඒ උදාර විදු මව්නට ප්රතිඋපකාර ...
Hema Prathibha 2011 Educational Exhibition and Festival 23 Sep 2011 | 02:50 am
Start Slide Show of pictures
Lakbima news article about our school 22 May 2011 | 08:11 pm
Lakbima, probably most famous news paper in Sri Lanka, published a full page article about our school on their daily news paper! So we thought that we should share it with you To view it clearly you ...
The path to school developed 12 Nov 2009 | 05:41 pm
We Offer our heartiest gratitude to the minister of road,Passenger and Transport Mr.lasantha Alagiyawanna and the councellor of the president and the member of parliament,Mr. Basil Rajapaksha for g...
History of Henegama Central College 12 Nov 2009 | 01:19 pm
Henegama Central College was started according to the thought of “Central Colleges” of the ordinance of free education in Sri Lanka ; Mr. C.W.W Kannangara. By that time, Mr. J.R Jayawardana; The for...
Free 8GB email accounts to students. 12 Nov 2009 | 05:33 am
We are now teamed up with google to provide free 8GB space email accounts to our students and interested people. For example users can request email address’s for them like studentname@henegamacc.org...
The work done by media unit 12 Nov 2009 | 03:19 am
The work done by Media Unit The coverage of all communication in the school premises Participating in divisional and zonal cultural festivals Representing the school in debates and other oral compe...
From the Principal 7 Jun 2009 | 03:00 am
It has been for nearly 12 years, that we; the WP/Kela/ Henegama Central College has an Information Technology and Computer unit in our school. During this period, the unit renders a great deal of serv...