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Easter Egg: starcalcteam() 11 Sep 2007 | 08:27 am
There is a new Spanish language OO related blog from Rafael Sanchez He points out an interesting Easter Egg in the OpenOffice Calc program. In any cell, type =starcalcteam() The image below is disp...
Create Links Between Cell Ranges (Quickly) 29 Aug 2007 | 04:05 pm
The Paste Special feature can be used to quickly link to range of cells from another sheet. In the example below, we have a table on the sheet labelled First. We want to link to the bottom row from t...
Autoformat 28 Aug 2007 | 11:46 am
The Autoformat feature in Calc is used to assign preset formats to a range of cells - creating attractive, professional-looking table designs at the press of a button. In the ‘before’ picture below, ...
Adding Only Positive Numbers 31 Jul 2007 | 04:55 pm
We can use an array formula to sum up only the positive numbers in a given range. =SUM(IF(A1:A10>=0;A1:A10;0)) An array formula is defined by hitting SHIFT-CTRL-Enter instead of Enter for a normal (...
Who Needs DATEDIF() ?? Revisited. 25 Jul 2007 | 04:28 pm
Harlan Grove added some comments regarding the Excel DATEDIF() function, that I feel deserve an article of their own… Excellent example of POOR DESIGN in OOo Calc. YEARS(EarlierDate;LaterDate;) MON...
Who needs DATEDIF() ?? 19 Jul 2007 | 03:58 pm
I recently came across a blog in Indonesian - which had useful pointers related to OpenOffice alternatives to the Excel DATEDIF() function. Here is the link: The DATEDIF() function...
Moving House! 11 Jul 2007 | 06:24 pm
Please bear with me while I relocate my Open Office tips to WordPress. For an full index of articles in the old blog, see Right now, I’m cutting pasting articles from...
Basic Functions: COUNTBLANK 3 Feb 2006 | 05:33 pm
The COUNTBLANK function allows you to total the number of blank or empty cells in a specified range. It is used as show n below in the example. Cells C3, B5 and D5 are empty - so the COUNTBLANK funct...
Conditional Formatting: Comparing two Lists 2 Feb 2006 | 05:32 pm
We will use conditional formatting to identify unique entries between two lists. In the sheet below, we have two lists of US States. We would like to identify the list entries that are unique to each...
Entering Dates Quickly 1 Feb 2006 | 05:32 pm
Here is a useful formula - a long with a variant if you need to enter dates quickly without the delimiters between the days, months and years. In the example below, we enter our shorthand dates in c...