Most advanced nfl stats related news are at:

Why Standard Fantasy Football Rots and How To Fix It 24 Aug 2013 | 02:44 pm
My mother-in-law plays a dice game called Farkel. It's a game of simple math, but mostly a game of chance—more War than chess, more cleromancy than game theory. If I were stuck with her in a windowles...
Bombast Revisited; A Partial List of My Cognitive Biases 17 Aug 2013 | 08:41 am
Stochastic Football Bombast Revisited It's said a joke explained is a joke ruined. So how about satire? I wrote a loudmouth, accusatory post. It was fun. My intention: to appropriate the tool...
More advanced nfl stats related news:
Call for Writers 2013 13 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
It's time to report for training camp. This season Advanced NFL Stats is planning to add a small number of additional contributors. I’m looking for smart, articulate thinkers to bring a fresh perspec...
Get all NFL stats before placing any bets.. 22 Aug 2011 | 11:00 pm
A great way to stay on top on any NFL coverage is always through NFL news. Whether you want to know who is getting traded or who through the longest pass, you can always be sure that the NFL news will...
Links We Like: Week of April 1 6 Apr 2013 | 04:40 am
The best in the week of sports (or sort of sports) analysis: Chris Boyle gives a primer on fenwick, an advanced hockey stat, and reveals how central it is to playoff and regular season success. Headin...
NFL Stats Not Always on Target 26 Aug 2013 | 11:19 pm
There are more NFL stats and metrics than ever before, but when subjectivity enters into the method of calculation, we must show more caution in trusting the data. read more
This 2012 season stat will be funny to every person who’s not a Chiefs fan 22 Aug 2013 | 08:50 am
I’m assuming this was graphic was broadcast during the Chiefs-49ers preseason game from a few days ago, but whenever and wherever it came from, it is both the saddest and funniest NFL stat I think I’v...
99 Stats Until Kickoff (#90) Is the 1983 NFL draft the best ever? 27 Aug 2013 | 04:37 pm
From May 30 and every day until September 5… the start of the 2013 NFL season… Sports Stats ‘on Tapp’ will publish “99 Stats Until Kickoff” a daily dose of NFL stats that will get you ready for the 20...
99 Stats Until Kickoff (#89) Best individual performances in a Super Bowl loss 26 Aug 2013 | 04:53 pm
From May 30 and every day until September 5… the start of the 2013 NFL season… Sports Stats ‘on Tapp’ will publish “99 Stats Until Kickoff” a daily dose of NFL stats that will get you ready for the 20...
99 Stats Until Kickoff (#88) Which NFL franchise has had the best trio of QBs in their history? 25 Aug 2013 | 08:52 pm
From May 30 and every day until September 5… the start of the 2013 NFL season… Sports Stats ‘on Tapp’ will publish “99 Stats Until Kickoff” a daily dose of NFL stats that will get you ready for the 20...
99 Stats Until Kickoff (#87) First Annual “Takeo” Honors 24 Aug 2013 | 04:41 pm
From May 30 and every day until September 5… the start of the 2013 NFL season… Sports Stats ‘on Tapp’ will publish “99 Stats Until Kickoff” a daily dose of NFL stats that will get you ready for the 20...
99 Stats Until Kickoff (#86) Stop Factor Rankings reveal 2012 most effective defense in NFL 23 Aug 2013 | 04:36 pm
From May 30 and every day until September 5… the start of the 2013 NFL season… Sports Stats ‘on Tapp’ will publish “99 Stats Until Kickoff” a daily dose of NFL stats that will get you ready for the 20...